Statement about the School Board – Mission Statement
No Meeting in August
9/21/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
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I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:31 PM by Vice Chair Julie Reidy.
Members Present: Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy
Absent: Chair Dave Dyer
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere
II. Adjustment to the Agenda
III.. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the 6/15/23 minutes, as written, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
IV. Correspondence
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Mr. Dyer was absent. No report.
Mr. Conover asked if there are any concerns regarding resources coming into the school year. Ms. Legere answered that she is working on the playground, but most of that is out of her control.
Transportation remains a concern; trying to manifest another bus driver.
We could use more cleaning support; cobbling it together between Judy Smith, an ed tech doing extra hours to clean, and a cleaning person who is part-time this year. We are advertising.
The teaching staff and support staff are solid.
Mr. Purdy asked how the schedule change is working out. Ms. Legere answered that kids and parents love it. No direct complaints. For the younger kids it’s great that they’re done by 2:30. The older kids can participate in sports without missing out on instruction. We’re doing a rotating schedule. The impetus for that change was to lessen the impact of class-time lost when athletes leave early. It’s been smooth for everyone. We have a BARR Grant, and it’s good weekly have time dedicated to our training to keep that momentum going. Mr. Conover added he’s a big fan of the new schedule.
Superintendent Report
Budget Timeline 2023-2024 .docx
Dr. DePatsy
Mr. Conover asked if there are any concerns regarding resources coming into the school year? Dr. DePatsy answered that facilities is going great. Financial is perfect, right where we need to be. If Sally McDonough or Dick Cilley decide to leave, they will be difficult to replace. We need to find someone to work with Dick and take that over at some point. Ms. Reidy asked if Sarah Randlett still comes in to work with Sally. Dr. DePatsy answered that she does.
Budget timeline: Dr. DePatsy clarified that this is a draft, requesting feedback. Email feedback to Dave and cc Dom. He and Sally have gone over it with the dates.
We can come to a consensus at next meeting.
Student Representative Report
No student representative yet. No report.
Ms. Legere stated that there is interest among the students, and we will probably have a representative in place next month.
Mr. Conover stated that the soccer game against Searsport on Tuesday was amazing to see. We have about 20 students participating, and the entire Junior class there, fundraising, so it felt like the whole school was there. Great to see the participation.
Ms. Dove asked why the home games keep getting moved to Point Lookout. Mr. Conover explained that our field is still pretty wet and needs to drain, so we don’t leave a lot of ruts. It’s great to see the school engaging with the Town more than we have in the past.
Committee Reports
Region 8
We don’t have a representative who goes to Region 8 currently. Dr. DePatsy explained that Lindsay was our contact, but not now. Dr. DePatsy will work with Ms. Legere to find a new contact. Mr. Conover asked if there are students in Region 8 this year, and how the transportation works. Ms. Legere answered that Region 8 picks them up in Lincolnville, and they get to the ferry on this side on their own. We have about four students this year.
No report
Ms. Dove stated she sent email. One thing that needs to be looked at is the fact that between 60-64% does not have anything, it’s not a D or an F. Ms. Legere explained that at D- would be 60-64. College Board might delineate +/-
Motion to approve Code IKA for first read, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion regarding grading system. It’s based on numbers, and won’t change the GPA; it’s more about perception and how the students see themselves. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
No report
Mr. Purdy reported that they had a meeting, but it was after the agenda was published. It will be on the next agenda.
Dr. DePatsy reported that he, Dave Dyer, and Dick Cilley did a walk through this past summer. Everything was on track.
Mr. Conover asked about the status of the approved pointing. Dr. DePatsy answered that there is one firm that has replied to the RFP and will probably do it over time. Dick Cilley knows the name of the firm. Ms. Reidy asked if we should keep looking in order to get a fair bid. Dr. DePatsy answered that we’ve been looking for a couple years, and this is the only firm that has responded. Dr. DePatsy will get more information and report back.
IX. Other Business
Superintendent Search
Ms. Reidy has reached out to MMSA for information on what services they offer, such as advertising, vetting of applicants, etc. Waiting to hear back.
Mr. Conover proposed the board establish an ad-hoc committee to define search, and recommended having all board members on the committee.
Dr. DePatsy added that the committee should include some parents and students.
Mr. Conover recommended that we keep the committee to the board members, and include the public in discussions via workshops.
Motion to form an Ad-Hoc committee for the purpose of hiring a superintendent, C. Dove, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion regarding membership of the committee. All board members will be on the committee. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
The first meeting of the committee will have a public session and be October 5th at 4:30, before the regular School Board meeting.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:10pm, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No Discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Upcoming School Board Meetings.
October 5th at 5:30 pm
November 2nd at 5:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
10/5/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:33 PM by Chair Dave Dyer.
Members Present: Chair Dave Dyer, Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Via Zoom: None
Absent: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere
II. Adjustment to the Agenda
Zoom was late getting started because of a computer update.
Z. Conover recommended waiting until Zoom was running to have the Public Session.
III.. Approval of Minutes
9-21-23 School Board Meeting Minutes.docx
Motion to approve the September 21, 2023 minutes, as written, C. Dove, seconded by Z. Conover. No discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
IV. Correspondence
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Second Read DRAFT Code_IKA
Motion to accept the Second Read of Draft Code IKA, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion:
S. Purdy stated that this is the policy that addresses how we recognize Valedictorian and Salutatorian, and asked if we should clarify or modify this issue after the double Valedictorian and Salutatorian year.
J. Reidy asked if progress has been made where the wording in here will confirm the top graduating senior as Valedictorian.
K. Legere answered that we don’t have a provision for early graduates that may qualify to be one of those honor parts, that would supplant a senior. It would be a good idea to have a separate policy for early graduation. Discussion about early graduation policies.
Z. Conover withdrew his motion to approve Code IKA.
Motion to table the Second Read of Code IKA for review of early graduation policies, S. Purdy, seconded by Z. Conover. No further discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VII. New Business
First Read
Motion to accept the First Read of DJ Bidding Purchasing Requirements, with revisions and input from the Finance Committee, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover stated that the Finance Committee discussed providing input in all finance-related policies (Section D), and asked about how the process might work as the policies are written.
J. Reidy answered that the process as it exists allows for input from the Finance Committee, as the proposed policies get distributed to everyone. The Policy Committee welcomes comments.
D. Dyer added that during the first read, there is an opportunity to weigh in.
J. Reidy added that in the current policy, we are looking at a $5000 amount to possibly add back in to make it consistent.
Z. Conover answered that the Finance Committee would like to look at it.
The $5000 was a threshold for Superintendent spending. The language may need to be changed.
Motion to accept the First Read of DJH Code of Conduct, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion.
J. Reidy stated that the version the Board has sample language and is new. However, we have Policy Purchasing and Bid Procedure DJE, which outlines a few things that are specific to Islesboro. Ms. Reidy recommends tabling this one. The Policy Committee will share what they currently have with the rest of the Board.
Z. Conover withdrew his motion to approve the First Read of DJH.
Motion to table the First Read of DJH Code of Conduct for further conversation, S. Purdy, seconded by Z. Conover. No further discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no. J. Reidy recused herself. Motion carries.
DFF.doc (Student Activities)
Motion to accept the First Read of DFF, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to accept the First Read of Code-DB, Annual Budget, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover recommended staying with January or February for beginning budget discussions.
Teacher input, staffing, and other numbers can come in later.
Motion to adjust the agenda for Public Session, D. Dyer. There is no one from the public on Zoom or in person.
D. Dyer rescinded his motion to adjust the agenda.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
No report.
No report.
There has been an improvement in the cleaning situation, but no change in the transport situation. It’s partly because of a lack of drivers, partly because of changes to the Quicksilver. There are logistical issues.
Superintendent Report
Student Representative Report
No report.
Ms. Legere stated that there are two students interested in being the representative, and they agreed to share the position. One is an island student, and one is a mainland student. One is a senior, and one is a junior. There will be a report next month.
Mr. Conover reported that varsity soccer team will most likely be in the playoffs this year. If it’s a home game, it can’t be played at Maddie Dodge Field; we are looking at a field in the Brunswick area.
For Golf, Tom Tutor took three students to the state qualifying round.
Committee Reports
Region 8
We don’t have a representative who goes to Region 8 currently. Representative should be a Board member.
No report
ICS Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 9/27/23
No report, meeting on October 11th.
S. Purdy reported that the Finance Committee discussed the budget timeline process. Current policy requires the Superintendent present the preliminary budget draft to the School Board no later than January 4, 2024. Preliminary analysis of previous year’s budget before we get audited. Information needed for the budget discussions in January. Discussion about establishing a target for our unbudgeted fund balance. We should consider having an auditor attend budget workshop. Dom should reach out to the auditor; Dave will let him know.
Mr. Dyer reported that the pointing is critical, the Facilities Committee approved the bid estimate for 267,800, with $53,520 for each year over the course of five years, from Greg Corey Masonry.
Mr. Conover asked if there is a dollar limit at which the Facilities Committee can no longer approve a bid estimate and it must go to the School Board. D. Dyer answered that the Facilities Committee is bringing it to the Board as a courtesy. We should have Board approval. What we would be approving tonight is $53,520 for this year.
Motion to accept the bid of $267,800 for the course of five years at $53,520 for each year, J. Reidy, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion.
Mr. Conover asked to clarify if we are approving the full $267,800, and funding $53,520 every year. He understood the intention was to approve $53,520 tonight. The motion as it stands right now obligates us to spend $267,800. He would like to give the school the flexibility to not be locked in, and add something in the contract to have options and terms.
J. Reidy rescinded her motion to accept the bid.
Motion to accept the bid of $267,800 for pointing from Greg Corey Masonry, pursuant the Facilities Committee negotiate a contract which provides appropriate exit options for the school, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No further Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Playground: the timeline is happening.
Dick’s list: Tile floor, shed roof, platform.
IX. Other Business
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:38pm, Z. Conover, seconded by J. Reidy. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
11/9/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:32 PM by Chair Dave Dyer.
Members Present: Chair Dave Dyer, Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere
II. Adjustment to the Agenda
III.. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the October 5, 2023 minutes, as written, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
IV. Correspondence
Letter from DOE –
Dr. DePatsy explained that the letter is for the closure of the Special Education Audit. This closes it out for another four years, and then they start the process over again.
FY 2022 Annual Financial Report
The auditors will try to schedule a meeting for us, but they need another month.
Dr. DePatsy will forward both letters.
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Second Reads
Motion to accept the Second Read of DJ Bidding Purchasing Requirements, J. Reidy, seconded by Z. Conover. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover asked if there were any changes made since the first read.
Z. Conover asked about some blanks in Section 2, and if the $5000 spoken about previously was added.
J. Reidy stated that the $5000 has been added to the policy, and the document was reformatted and cleaned up to contain all the legal references and cross-references. It doesn’t have any Maine School Management pieces on it anymore; “Committee” has been changed to “Board,” etc.
Z. Conover asked about the process. Because we put it on the agenda for the Second Read, if the Board is allowed to vote on the Second Read with the changes. Dr. DePatsy answered that in other districts, they have voted on items with changes with a stipulation. It’s up to the Board. C. Dove stated that the Board has been going through the Second Read in previous meetings, even if it’s not fixed on the current copy. Dr. DePatsy shared an updated copy.
Z. Conover stated the public should know exactly what we’re doing before we vote, and it sounds like there are a number of changes.
J. Reidy stated the changes are as discussed in previous meeting. It’s in Google Docs, so if someone clicked on it, they would get the updated version.
D. Dyer stated he is comfortable with a vote tonight.
Moved to First Read
Motion to accept the Second Read of DFF, Z. Conover, seconded by J. Reidy. Discussion:
Z. Conover asked if there were any changes made since the first read.
Z. Conover asked if the blanks should be filled in. J. Reidy answered that they need to be taken out.
Maine School Management wording is still in there.
Z. Conover withdrew his Motion to accept the Second Read of DFF, seconded by C. Dove.
Motion to table the Second Read of DFF, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No further discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to recode JJF to DFF so it’s in the financial section of the policies and not the student section, J. Reidy, seconded by Z. Conover. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to accept the Second Read of Code-DB, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover requested to not change discussions to March, keep in January.
J. Reidy recommended February as a compromise, it’s a tentative budget, so it won’t have all the numbers.
Motion to accept the Second Read of Policy IKA, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
J. Reidy stated that she added cross-references and legal references.
C. Dove stated that the original was missing percentages, and that was fixed.
Z. Conover asked if Honor Roll goes by letter grade or numbers. K. Legere answered it goes by letter grade.
VII. New Business
Policy First Reads
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
Motion to accept the First Read of DFF, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion.
This was tabled in the Second Read. This does not need a First Read
Z. Conover withdrew his Motion to accept the First Read of DFF.
Motion to table all First Reads, J. Reidy, seconded by Z. Conover. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unnanimous.
Open Bids for Fuel Oil #2 with #1 Kerosene, Diesel and Propane
Vinal Energy submitted the only bid.
Propane: firm price of $195/tank or firm price of $1 less than the daily cash price per gallon for the school year of Nov. 3, 2023 to Nov. 6, 2024.
This is the same as last year. There is only a bid for propane.
Motion to accept the bid of propane from Vinal Energy, J. Reidy, seconded by Z. Conover. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Last year kerosene was 30 cents above the wholesale cost per gallon. #1 Fuel was 25 cents above the wholesale cost per gallon.
Z. Conover asked about the bidding process. Have we heard from M/M? K. Legere stated she reached out to Laura today. They were in the process of changing insurance companies at the time the bid was due last week.
Motion to have Sally McDonough extend the deadline for fuel bids for diesel and kerosene to November 30, 2023, Z. Conover, seconded by J. Reidy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover asked if we might run out of fuel before November 30th. D. Dyer stated we will not.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Things are rolling smoothly.
Report linked.
K. Legere added: We’ve been busy with sports. Fall sports banquet is not the 16th.
Farley & Sons started work yesterday. Structures are up. We might need a fence to keep balls and kids from falling off cliffs.
We had a fun time going to the theater in Monmouth to see Henry IV Part I. The kids joined in the performance.
Students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 have finished the NWEA Maine Through Year Assessment in reading and math. We’re learning about the scoring and reporting process and how we can use that data.
Student Council organized a school-wide Halloween party, with a science demonstration, a parade, and four stations of different games and challenges. The kids had a blast.
We have a lot of sickness. Staff and students have been absent this week.
S. Purdy asked if the fence needs to be addressed before the ground freezes. K. Legere stated we can do a temporary snow fence in the short term.
Z. Conover requested a brief overview on tackling Artificial Intelligence (AI). He is concerned with making sure the school has resources to do training.
K. Legere stated it’s an issue in every school in the world. Our technology teacher recently attended a conference. It’s on our minds.
Tuesday the 21st is the Annual Thanksgiving lunch at the School.
Superintendent Report
Dr. DePatsy added that K. Legere is taking a two-day course on the Marshall Plan. We’re going to calibrate every teacher separately and discuss it as part of the curriculum assessment.
Student Representative Report
No report. One student representative is ill.
Ms. Legere stated that there are two student representatives, Eoin Kehoe, grade 11, and Lucy Kossuth, grade 12. There will be a report next month.
Mr. Conover reported that we continue to recover coming out of Covid and getting back into sports, and it continues to improve, and we’re continuing to see a tremendous amount of participation. We overcame transportation challenges. We continue the tradition of being one of the smallest schools in the state but representing ourselves as real players on the athletic field, especially in sportsmanship. Tracy is doing a wonderful job.
Ms. Legere read Tracy’s report: Cross country participated in 5 meets, had a great season. Looking for a coach for next year. Sailing had 5 regattas, one was cancelled due to a hurricane… Middle school soccer was a young team. Nate Larlee and Becky Bolduc did a great job and they are looking forward to next season. High school soccer victory over Pine Tree Academy… lost to Richmond in the semi-finals, ICS ranked #5, Richmond #1. Great coaching by Rob McHugh and Assistant Coach Charlie Cilley. Basketball season is coming. Basketball Middle School Coach: Nate Larlee, Assistant Coach Jen Bailey. Basketball Girls Varsity Coach: Jesse Burns, Assistant Brandy Cilley. Basketball Boys Varsity Coach: Josh Conover, Assistant Matt K.
Committee Reports
Region 8
These reports come out late.
A Board member has not been assigned, but we can attend via Zoom. They meet monthly on the 4th Wednesday.
No report
Policy Meeting Minutes 10/18/2023
S. Purdy reported that the committee met, but didn’t submit a report. It will be on the next agenda.
Mr. Dyer reported that there has been no meeting due to extenuating circumstances.
IX. Other Business
Update on Superintendent Search and Process
MSA is coming on the 21st to give us a presentation on how they can help us with the search.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:14pm, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
12/14/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair Dave Dyer.
Members Present: Chair Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove, and Zachariah Conover.
Members Present Via Zoom: Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Sky Purdy, and Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy.
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere, Eoin Kehoe, Elana Kehoe
Others Present via Zoom: Gwen Tatreaux, Lucy Kossuth
III.. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the November 9, 2023 minutes, as written, Z. Conover, seconded by J. Reidy. No discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VII. New Business
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
Motion to accept the First Read of all listed policies, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Things seem to be going well. Nothing to report. We haven’t had any fuel bids, so we will purchase as needed. We have a contract for propane, but not for diesel.
Report linked.
Another great Thanksgiving meal at the School.
Wind has disrupted the schedule for the past three Mondays, with ferry cancellations. These days do not count as snow days. If the roads are safe to drive and the building is open, we will have school.
Next week is mini spirit week.
The senior class has chosen Belize for their senior trip. It will not be during vacation. It will be April 4 – 10.
Teachers have started the budget process, and Kate has begun work on next year’s calendar.
Dr. DePatsy added that a few candidates for the Superintendent position have reached out to him to ask questions about the position. He gave them some feedback.
Ed Ants came, he used to work for MSMA with Eileen King and used to run the maintenance slip/fall program. He’s retired, but has a contract with Scott Brown, going around to all the schools and updating for the Dept. of Education. They did Long Island and Islesboro. The good news is he saw the school years ago under MSMA with Dick, and at that time it was the worse school in Maine, but now, because of all the work we’ve done with the facilities, he says it’s one of the best schools. There are few minor things we have to look at, and Dick is aware of them. We don’t have a written report yet.
No report.
The two student representatives, Eoin Kehoe, grade 11, and Lucy Kossuth, grade 12, were present.
Mr. Conover reported that in Basketball, Boys are 2 – 0, Girls are 1 – 1, both teams are smiling and hustling. It’s nice to see the program as strong as it is. It will be exciting as the season goes on and the competition gets stiffer. They had a good time playing their opener at the Augusta Civic Center.
Copy of MidCoast.Superintendent.Association.Minutes.11.16.23
These reports
No report.
No report.
No report. Z. Conover stated they met, but haven’t put together minutes yet.
Mr. Dyer reported that there will be a Facilities meeting tomorrow. J. Reidy requested a list of items to discuss.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:55pm, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
No Meeting in January
2/8/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS Music Room
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Vice Chair Julie Reidy.
Members Present: Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere and Eoin Kehoe, Student Representative
Others Present via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy, Daniel Higgins
III.. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the December 14, 2023 minutes, as written, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
Motion to accept the Second Read of all listed policies, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion as described below.
Revised Motion to accept the Second Read of all listed policies, as amended, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VII. New Business
Motion to nominate Julie Reidy as Chair, C. Dove, seconded by Z. Conover. No further discussion. Motion passed, 3 yes, 0 no. J. Reidy abstained.
Motion to nominate Zach Conover as Vice Chair, C. Dove, seconded by S. Purdy. No further discussion. Motion passed, 3 yes, 0 no. Z. Conover abstained.
Motion to table the van purchase decision and request that the administration come back with options for leasing, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion about time frame. It’s not urgent. D. DePatsy will look into options. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Kate Legere shared the proposed academic calendar. Discussion about start date.
Discussion about Friday afternoon/short day. Kate hasn’t heard any direct complaints from parents. If we end up going to two short Fridays/month instead of every week, we will add in more half days. J. Reidy requested a written report on the benefits for the staff.
Rotating schedule: K. Legere would like to go to full rotation.
Kayla Pendleton, ICS graduate, is our new Occupational Therapist, 9 hours/week.
Scott Pearson is new full-time custodian. Judy still fills in.
Magnet application season: There’s been a lot of interest.
No report.
Student representatives, Eoin Kehoe, grade 11, was present. Eoin stated that the Junior Class Fundraiser is going pretty well. We’re looking to do more dinners. Trivia night was a big hit. The auction is coming up around the 3rd week of May.
Mr. Conover reported that it’s been a challenging end of basketball season, but the players are still smiling. The girls will be in Augusta during school vacation week. The boys are playing here against Rangely.
Logan Burns has been doing very well in track. He has committed to U Maine Farmington.
No report. The committee hasn’t met. We are advertising and receiving applications.
No report.
No report.
The Board decided to have a Budget Workshop on Feb. 21st, 5:30.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:20 pm, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No Discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Upcoming School Board Meeting: March 7th @ 5:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
3/7/24 4:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS Music Room
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 4:30 PM by Vice Chair Julie Reidy.
Members Present: Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere, Melissa Burns, and Eoin Kehoe, Student Representative
Others Present via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy, Dr. Connie Brown, David Beal, Gwendolyn Tatreaux
Presentation of Senior trip first.
The senior class presented their itinerary for their upcoming field trip to Belize. They explained that they were looking for adventure, and Central America was a draw. Belize is beautiful, safe, easy to get to, and has access to adventure. They will be going through a tour company, which provides notices of any concerns. The Board wished the group a wonderful time. This is one of the things that makes our school special.
III. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the February 8, 2024 minutes, as written, S. Purdy, seconded by Z. Conover. No discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Kate Legere stated that March is a great month to meet because there are very few transportation troubles. We’re getting ready for next year in terms of schedule and class offerings. Today, seventh- and eighth-grade students returned from a 2-night trip to Sugarloaf, which was highly successful. Student behavior was exemplary; they received compliments everywhere they went. They were able to downhill ski, but not x-country because of conditions, so they went to an anti-gravity center. Some students ended up having private ski lessons. Melissa Jagger and Tracy Wuori were the leaders on this trip. Lindsay Dakers and our Island Fellow Liv Lenfestey were also there. Planet Pan Steel Drum Band is coming on March 14th to do a workshop. On March 21st is a musical talent show. Also on that day, elementary students are going to the Owls Head Transportation Museum. It’s nice to have a few trips and events after a drought of no activities. Drama has returned. Our German teacher is holding a weekly after-school improv theater club. Their first meeting yesterday went well. The total solar eclipse is going to be on Monday, April 8th at 2:20. We normally dismiss at 2:30, but it’s not going to be safe to have students on the bus at that time. We going to purchase eclipse glasses for the students, and we plan to dismiss early. Some schools in northern Maine are going to be closed that day.
Dr. DePatsy reported that he filled in for Kate this week while she was at the Principals Association. He had a great time and left her with lots of work to do.
Nothing to report.
Mr. Conover reported that the banquet is tonight. Both the boys’ and the girls’ teams made it to the tournament. It’s exciting to see both teams engaged and happy and doing well. The middle school team did well also. Logan Burns represented the school at the New England indoor track meet in Boston this past weekend. He came in 17th out of 35.
It’s magnet season. We are accepting applications.
The Policy Committee met today. We’re going to try to get manuals printed.
No report.
No report.
superintendent nomination, contract negotiation.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:17 pm, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No Discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at ___ pm, ___, seconded by ___. No Discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Upcoming meetings:
Special Budget Meeting: March 14th @ 5:30
Regular School Board Meeting: April 7th @ 5:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
No Meeting in July
No Meeting in August
9/21/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
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I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:31 PM by Vice Chair Julie Reidy.
Members Present: Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy
Absent: Chair Dave Dyer
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere
II. Adjustment to the Agenda
III.. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the 6/15/23 minutes, as written, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
IV. Correspondence
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Mr. Dyer was absent. No report.
Mr. Conover asked if there are any concerns regarding resources coming into the school year. Ms. Legere answered that she is working on the playground, but most of that is out of her control.
Transportation remains a concern; trying to manifest another bus driver.
We could use more cleaning support; cobbling it together between Judy Smith, an ed tech doing extra hours to clean, and a cleaning person who is part-time this year. We are advertising.
The teaching staff and support staff are solid.
Mr. Purdy asked how the schedule change is working out. Ms. Legere answered that kids and parents love it. No direct complaints. For the younger kids it’s great that they’re done by 2:30. The older kids can participate in sports without missing out on instruction. We’re doing a rotating schedule. The impetus for that change was to lessen the impact of class-time lost when athletes leave early. It’s been smooth for everyone. We have a BARR Grant, and it’s good weekly have time dedicated to our training to keep that momentum going. Mr. Conover added he’s a big fan of the new schedule.
Superintendent Report
Budget Timeline 2023-2024 .docx
Dr. DePatsy
Mr. Conover asked if there are any concerns regarding resources coming into the school year? Dr. DePatsy answered that facilities is going great. Financial is perfect, right where we need to be. If Sally McDonough or Dick Cilley decide to leave, they will be difficult to replace. We need to find someone to work with Dick and take that over at some point. Ms. Reidy asked if Sarah Randlett still comes in to work with Sally. Dr. DePatsy answered that she does.
Budget timeline: Dr. DePatsy clarified that this is a draft, requesting feedback. Email feedback to Dave and cc Dom. He and Sally have gone over it with the dates.
We can come to a consensus at next meeting.
Student Representative Report
No student representative yet. No report.
Ms. Legere stated that there is interest among the students, and we will probably have a representative in place next month.
Mr. Conover stated that the soccer game against Searsport on Tuesday was amazing to see. We have about 20 students participating, and the entire Junior class there, fundraising, so it felt like the whole school was there. Great to see the participation.
Ms. Dove asked why the home games keep getting moved to Point Lookout. Mr. Conover explained that our field is still pretty wet and needs to drain, so we don’t leave a lot of ruts. It’s great to see the school engaging with the Town more than we have in the past.
Committee Reports
Region 8
We don’t have a representative who goes to Region 8 currently. Dr. DePatsy explained that Lindsay was our contact, but not now. Dr. DePatsy will work with Ms. Legere to find a new contact. Mr. Conover asked if there are students in Region 8 this year, and how the transportation works. Ms. Legere answered that Region 8 picks them up in Lincolnville, and they get to the ferry on this side on their own. We have about four students this year.
No report
Ms. Dove stated she sent email. One thing that needs to be looked at is the fact that between 60-64% does not have anything, it’s not a D or an F. Ms. Legere explained that at D- would be 60-64. College Board might delineate +/-
Motion to approve Code IKA for first read, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion regarding grading system. It’s based on numbers, and won’t change the GPA; it’s more about perception and how the students see themselves. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
No report
Mr. Purdy reported that they had a meeting, but it was after the agenda was published. It will be on the next agenda.
Dr. DePatsy reported that he, Dave Dyer, and Dick Cilley did a walk through this past summer. Everything was on track.
Mr. Conover asked about the status of the approved pointing. Dr. DePatsy answered that there is one firm that has replied to the RFP and will probably do it over time. Dick Cilley knows the name of the firm. Ms. Reidy asked if we should keep looking in order to get a fair bid. Dr. DePatsy answered that we’ve been looking for a couple years, and this is the only firm that has responded. Dr. DePatsy will get more information and report back.
IX. Other Business
Superintendent Search
Ms. Reidy has reached out to MMSA for information on what services they offer, such as advertising, vetting of applicants, etc. Waiting to hear back.
Mr. Conover proposed the board establish an ad-hoc committee to define search, and recommended having all board members on the committee.
Dr. DePatsy added that the committee should include some parents and students.
Mr. Conover recommended that we keep the committee to the board members, and include the public in discussions via workshops.
Motion to form an Ad-Hoc committee for the purpose of hiring a superintendent, C. Dove, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion regarding membership of the committee. All board members will be on the committee. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
The first meeting of the committee will have a public session and be October 5th at 4:30, before the regular School Board meeting.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:10pm, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No Discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Upcoming School Board Meetings.
October 5th at 5:30 pm
November 2nd at 5:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
10/5/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:33 PM by Chair Dave Dyer.
Members Present: Chair Dave Dyer, Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Via Zoom: None
Absent: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere
II. Adjustment to the Agenda
Zoom was late getting started because of a computer update.
Z. Conover recommended waiting until Zoom was running to have the Public Session.
III.. Approval of Minutes
9-21-23 School Board Meeting Minutes.docx
Motion to approve the September 21, 2023 minutes, as written, C. Dove, seconded by Z. Conover. No discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
IV. Correspondence
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Second Read DRAFT Code_IKA
Motion to accept the Second Read of Draft Code IKA, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion:
S. Purdy stated that this is the policy that addresses how we recognize Valedictorian and Salutatorian, and asked if we should clarify or modify this issue after the double Valedictorian and Salutatorian year.
J. Reidy asked if progress has been made where the wording in here will confirm the top graduating senior as Valedictorian.
K. Legere answered that we don’t have a provision for early graduates that may qualify to be one of those honor parts, that would supplant a senior. It would be a good idea to have a separate policy for early graduation. Discussion about early graduation policies.
Z. Conover withdrew his motion to approve Code IKA.
Motion to table the Second Read of Code IKA for review of early graduation policies, S. Purdy, seconded by Z. Conover. No further discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VII. New Business
First Read
Motion to accept the First Read of DJ Bidding Purchasing Requirements, with revisions and input from the Finance Committee, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover stated that the Finance Committee discussed providing input in all finance-related policies (Section D), and asked about how the process might work as the policies are written.
J. Reidy answered that the process as it exists allows for input from the Finance Committee, as the proposed policies get distributed to everyone. The Policy Committee welcomes comments.
D. Dyer added that during the first read, there is an opportunity to weigh in.
J. Reidy added that in the current policy, we are looking at a $5000 amount to possibly add back in to make it consistent.
Z. Conover answered that the Finance Committee would like to look at it.
The $5000 was a threshold for Superintendent spending. The language may need to be changed.
Motion to accept the First Read of DJH Code of Conduct, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion.
J. Reidy stated that the version the Board has sample language and is new. However, we have Policy Purchasing and Bid Procedure DJE, which outlines a few things that are specific to Islesboro. Ms. Reidy recommends tabling this one. The Policy Committee will share what they currently have with the rest of the Board.
Z. Conover withdrew his motion to approve the First Read of DJH.
Motion to table the First Read of DJH Code of Conduct for further conversation, S. Purdy, seconded by Z. Conover. No further discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no. J. Reidy recused herself. Motion carries.
DFF.doc (Student Activities)
Motion to accept the First Read of DFF, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to accept the First Read of Code-DB, Annual Budget, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover recommended staying with January or February for beginning budget discussions.
Teacher input, staffing, and other numbers can come in later.
Motion to adjust the agenda for Public Session, D. Dyer. There is no one from the public on Zoom or in person.
D. Dyer rescinded his motion to adjust the agenda.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
No report.
No report.
There has been an improvement in the cleaning situation, but no change in the transport situation. It’s partly because of a lack of drivers, partly because of changes to the Quicksilver. There are logistical issues.
Superintendent Report
Student Representative Report
No report.
Ms. Legere stated that there are two students interested in being the representative, and they agreed to share the position. One is an island student, and one is a mainland student. One is a senior, and one is a junior. There will be a report next month.
Mr. Conover reported that varsity soccer team will most likely be in the playoffs this year. If it’s a home game, it can’t be played at Maddie Dodge Field; we are looking at a field in the Brunswick area.
For Golf, Tom Tutor took three students to the state qualifying round.
Committee Reports
Region 8
We don’t have a representative who goes to Region 8 currently. Representative should be a Board member.
No report
ICS Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 9/27/23
No report, meeting on October 11th.
S. Purdy reported that the Finance Committee discussed the budget timeline process. Current policy requires the Superintendent present the preliminary budget draft to the School Board no later than January 4, 2024. Preliminary analysis of previous year’s budget before we get audited. Information needed for the budget discussions in January. Discussion about establishing a target for our unbudgeted fund balance. We should consider having an auditor attend budget workshop. Dom should reach out to the auditor; Dave will let him know.
Mr. Dyer reported that the pointing is critical, the Facilities Committee approved the bid estimate for 267,800, with $53,520 for each year over the course of five years, from Greg Corey Masonry.
Mr. Conover asked if there is a dollar limit at which the Facilities Committee can no longer approve a bid estimate and it must go to the School Board. D. Dyer answered that the Facilities Committee is bringing it to the Board as a courtesy. We should have Board approval. What we would be approving tonight is $53,520 for this year.
Motion to accept the bid of $267,800 for the course of five years at $53,520 for each year, J. Reidy, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion.
Mr. Conover asked to clarify if we are approving the full $267,800, and funding $53,520 every year. He understood the intention was to approve $53,520 tonight. The motion as it stands right now obligates us to spend $267,800. He would like to give the school the flexibility to not be locked in, and add something in the contract to have options and terms.
J. Reidy rescinded her motion to accept the bid.
Motion to accept the bid of $267,800 for pointing from Greg Corey Masonry, pursuant the Facilities Committee negotiate a contract which provides appropriate exit options for the school, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No further Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Playground: the timeline is happening.
Dick’s list: Tile floor, shed roof, platform.
IX. Other Business
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:38pm, Z. Conover, seconded by J. Reidy. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
11/9/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:32 PM by Chair Dave Dyer.
Members Present: Chair Dave Dyer, Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere
II. Adjustment to the Agenda
III.. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the October 5, 2023 minutes, as written, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
IV. Correspondence
Letter from DOE –
Dr. DePatsy explained that the letter is for the closure of the Special Education Audit. This closes it out for another four years, and then they start the process over again.
FY 2022 Annual Financial Report
The auditors will try to schedule a meeting for us, but they need another month.
Dr. DePatsy will forward both letters.
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Second Reads
Motion to accept the Second Read of DJ Bidding Purchasing Requirements, J. Reidy, seconded by Z. Conover. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover asked if there were any changes made since the first read.
Z. Conover asked about some blanks in Section 2, and if the $5000 spoken about previously was added.
J. Reidy stated that the $5000 has been added to the policy, and the document was reformatted and cleaned up to contain all the legal references and cross-references. It doesn’t have any Maine School Management pieces on it anymore; “Committee” has been changed to “Board,” etc.
Z. Conover asked about the process. Because we put it on the agenda for the Second Read, if the Board is allowed to vote on the Second Read with the changes. Dr. DePatsy answered that in other districts, they have voted on items with changes with a stipulation. It’s up to the Board. C. Dove stated that the Board has been going through the Second Read in previous meetings, even if it’s not fixed on the current copy. Dr. DePatsy shared an updated copy.
Z. Conover stated the public should know exactly what we’re doing before we vote, and it sounds like there are a number of changes.
J. Reidy stated the changes are as discussed in previous meeting. It’s in Google Docs, so if someone clicked on it, they would get the updated version.
D. Dyer stated he is comfortable with a vote tonight.
Moved to First Read
Motion to accept the Second Read of DFF, Z. Conover, seconded by J. Reidy. Discussion:
Z. Conover asked if there were any changes made since the first read.
Z. Conover asked if the blanks should be filled in. J. Reidy answered that they need to be taken out.
Maine School Management wording is still in there.
Z. Conover withdrew his Motion to accept the Second Read of DFF, seconded by C. Dove.
Motion to table the Second Read of DFF, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No further discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to recode JJF to DFF so it’s in the financial section of the policies and not the student section, J. Reidy, seconded by Z. Conover. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to accept the Second Read of Code-DB, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover requested to not change discussions to March, keep in January.
J. Reidy recommended February as a compromise, it’s a tentative budget, so it won’t have all the numbers.
Motion to accept the Second Read of Policy IKA, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
J. Reidy stated that she added cross-references and legal references.
C. Dove stated that the original was missing percentages, and that was fixed.
Z. Conover asked if Honor Roll goes by letter grade or numbers. K. Legere answered it goes by letter grade.
VII. New Business
Policy First Reads
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
Motion to accept the First Read of DFF, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion.
This was tabled in the Second Read. This does not need a First Read
Z. Conover withdrew his Motion to accept the First Read of DFF.
Motion to table all First Reads, J. Reidy, seconded by Z. Conover. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unnanimous.
Open Bids for Fuel Oil #2 with #1 Kerosene, Diesel and Propane
Vinal Energy submitted the only bid.
Propane: firm price of $195/tank or firm price of $1 less than the daily cash price per gallon for the school year of Nov. 3, 2023 to Nov. 6, 2024.
This is the same as last year. There is only a bid for propane.
Motion to accept the bid of propane from Vinal Energy, J. Reidy, seconded by Z. Conover. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Last year kerosene was 30 cents above the wholesale cost per gallon. #1 Fuel was 25 cents above the wholesale cost per gallon.
Z. Conover asked about the bidding process. Have we heard from M/M? K. Legere stated she reached out to Laura today. They were in the process of changing insurance companies at the time the bid was due last week.
Motion to have Sally McDonough extend the deadline for fuel bids for diesel and kerosene to November 30, 2023, Z. Conover, seconded by J. Reidy. Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Z. Conover asked if we might run out of fuel before November 30th. D. Dyer stated we will not.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Things are rolling smoothly.
Report linked.
K. Legere added: We’ve been busy with sports. Fall sports banquet is not the 16th.
Farley & Sons started work yesterday. Structures are up. We might need a fence to keep balls and kids from falling off cliffs.
We had a fun time going to the theater in Monmouth to see Henry IV Part I. The kids joined in the performance.
Students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 have finished the NWEA Maine Through Year Assessment in reading and math. We’re learning about the scoring and reporting process and how we can use that data.
Student Council organized a school-wide Halloween party, with a science demonstration, a parade, and four stations of different games and challenges. The kids had a blast.
We have a lot of sickness. Staff and students have been absent this week.
S. Purdy asked if the fence needs to be addressed before the ground freezes. K. Legere stated we can do a temporary snow fence in the short term.
Z. Conover requested a brief overview on tackling Artificial Intelligence (AI). He is concerned with making sure the school has resources to do training.
K. Legere stated it’s an issue in every school in the world. Our technology teacher recently attended a conference. It’s on our minds.
Tuesday the 21st is the Annual Thanksgiving lunch at the School.
Superintendent Report
Dr. DePatsy added that K. Legere is taking a two-day course on the Marshall Plan. We’re going to calibrate every teacher separately and discuss it as part of the curriculum assessment.
Student Representative Report
No report. One student representative is ill.
Ms. Legere stated that there are two student representatives, Eoin Kehoe, grade 11, and Lucy Kossuth, grade 12. There will be a report next month.
Mr. Conover reported that we continue to recover coming out of Covid and getting back into sports, and it continues to improve, and we’re continuing to see a tremendous amount of participation. We overcame transportation challenges. We continue the tradition of being one of the smallest schools in the state but representing ourselves as real players on the athletic field, especially in sportsmanship. Tracy is doing a wonderful job.
Ms. Legere read Tracy’s report: Cross country participated in 5 meets, had a great season. Looking for a coach for next year. Sailing had 5 regattas, one was cancelled due to a hurricane… Middle school soccer was a young team. Nate Larlee and Becky Bolduc did a great job and they are looking forward to next season. High school soccer victory over Pine Tree Academy… lost to Richmond in the semi-finals, ICS ranked #5, Richmond #1. Great coaching by Rob McHugh and Assistant Coach Charlie Cilley. Basketball season is coming. Basketball Middle School Coach: Nate Larlee, Assistant Coach Jen Bailey. Basketball Girls Varsity Coach: Jesse Burns, Assistant Brandy Cilley. Basketball Boys Varsity Coach: Josh Conover, Assistant Matt K.
Committee Reports
Region 8
These reports come out late.
A Board member has not been assigned, but we can attend via Zoom. They meet monthly on the 4th Wednesday.
No report
Policy Meeting Minutes 10/18/2023
S. Purdy reported that the committee met, but didn’t submit a report. It will be on the next agenda.
Mr. Dyer reported that there has been no meeting due to extenuating circumstances.
IX. Other Business
Update on Superintendent Search and Process
MSA is coming on the 21st to give us a presentation on how they can help us with the search.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:14pm, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
12/14/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair Dave Dyer.
Members Present: Chair Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove, and Zachariah Conover.
Members Present Via Zoom: Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Sky Purdy, and Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy.
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere, Eoin Kehoe, Elana Kehoe
Others Present via Zoom: Gwen Tatreaux, Lucy Kossuth
III.. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the November 9, 2023 minutes, as written, Z. Conover, seconded by J. Reidy. No discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VII. New Business
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
Motion to accept the First Read of all listed policies, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Things seem to be going well. Nothing to report. We haven’t had any fuel bids, so we will purchase as needed. We have a contract for propane, but not for diesel.
Report linked.
Another great Thanksgiving meal at the School.
Wind has disrupted the schedule for the past three Mondays, with ferry cancellations. These days do not count as snow days. If the roads are safe to drive and the building is open, we will have school.
Next week is mini spirit week.
The senior class has chosen Belize for their senior trip. It will not be during vacation. It will be April 4 – 10.
Teachers have started the budget process, and Kate has begun work on next year’s calendar.
Dr. DePatsy added that a few candidates for the Superintendent position have reached out to him to ask questions about the position. He gave them some feedback.
Ed Ants came, he used to work for MSMA with Eileen King and used to run the maintenance slip/fall program. He’s retired, but has a contract with Scott Brown, going around to all the schools and updating for the Dept. of Education. They did Long Island and Islesboro. The good news is he saw the school years ago under MSMA with Dick, and at that time it was the worse school in Maine, but now, because of all the work we’ve done with the facilities, he says it’s one of the best schools. There are few minor things we have to look at, and Dick is aware of them. We don’t have a written report yet.
No report.
The two student representatives, Eoin Kehoe, grade 11, and Lucy Kossuth, grade 12, were present.
Mr. Conover reported that in Basketball, Boys are 2 – 0, Girls are 1 – 1, both teams are smiling and hustling. It’s nice to see the program as strong as it is. It will be exciting as the season goes on and the competition gets stiffer. They had a good time playing their opener at the Augusta Civic Center.
Copy of MidCoast.Superintendent.Association.Minutes.11.16.23
These reports
No report.
No report.
No report. Z. Conover stated they met, but haven’t put together minutes yet.
Mr. Dyer reported that there will be a Facilities meeting tomorrow. J. Reidy requested a list of items to discuss.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:55pm, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No Discussion. Motion passed, 5 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
No Meeting in January
2/8/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS Music Room
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Vice Chair Julie Reidy.
Members Present: Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere and Eoin Kehoe, Student Representative
Others Present via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy, Daniel Higgins
III.. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the December 14, 2023 minutes, as written, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
Motion to accept the Second Read of all listed policies, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion as described below.
Revised Motion to accept the Second Read of all listed policies, as amended, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VII. New Business
Motion to nominate Julie Reidy as Chair, C. Dove, seconded by Z. Conover. No further discussion. Motion passed, 3 yes, 0 no. J. Reidy abstained.
Motion to nominate Zach Conover as Vice Chair, C. Dove, seconded by S. Purdy. No further discussion. Motion passed, 3 yes, 0 no. Z. Conover abstained.
Motion to table the van purchase decision and request that the administration come back with options for leasing, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion about time frame. It’s not urgent. D. DePatsy will look into options. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Kate Legere shared the proposed academic calendar. Discussion about start date.
Discussion about Friday afternoon/short day. Kate hasn’t heard any direct complaints from parents. If we end up going to two short Fridays/month instead of every week, we will add in more half days. J. Reidy requested a written report on the benefits for the staff.
Rotating schedule: K. Legere would like to go to full rotation.
Kayla Pendleton, ICS graduate, is our new Occupational Therapist, 9 hours/week.
Scott Pearson is new full-time custodian. Judy still fills in.
Magnet application season: There’s been a lot of interest.
No report.
Student representatives, Eoin Kehoe, grade 11, was present. Eoin stated that the Junior Class Fundraiser is going pretty well. We’re looking to do more dinners. Trivia night was a big hit. The auction is coming up around the 3rd week of May.
Mr. Conover reported that it’s been a challenging end of basketball season, but the players are still smiling. The girls will be in Augusta during school vacation week. The boys are playing here against Rangely.
Logan Burns has been doing very well in track. He has committed to U Maine Farmington.
No report. The committee hasn’t met. We are advertising and receiving applications.
No report.
No report.
The Board decided to have a Budget Workshop on Feb. 21st, 5:30.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:20 pm, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No Discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Upcoming School Board Meeting: March 7th @ 5:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
3/7/24 4:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS Music Room
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 4:30 PM by Vice Chair Julie Reidy.
Members Present: Vice Chair Julie Reidy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, and Sky Purdy.
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere, Melissa Burns, and Eoin Kehoe, Student Representative
Others Present via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dom DePatsy, Dr. Connie Brown, David Beal, Gwendolyn Tatreaux
Presentation of Senior trip first.
The senior class presented their itinerary for their upcoming field trip to Belize. They explained that they were looking for adventure, and Central America was a draw. Belize is beautiful, safe, easy to get to, and has access to adventure. They will be going through a tour company, which provides notices of any concerns. The Board wished the group a wonderful time. This is one of the things that makes our school special.
III. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the February 8, 2024 minutes, as written, S. Purdy, seconded by Z. Conover. No discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Kate Legere stated that March is a great month to meet because there are very few transportation troubles. We’re getting ready for next year in terms of schedule and class offerings. Today, seventh- and eighth-grade students returned from a 2-night trip to Sugarloaf, which was highly successful. Student behavior was exemplary; they received compliments everywhere they went. They were able to downhill ski, but not x-country because of conditions, so they went to an anti-gravity center. Some students ended up having private ski lessons. Melissa Jagger and Tracy Wuori were the leaders on this trip. Lindsay Dakers and our Island Fellow Liv Lenfestey were also there. Planet Pan Steel Drum Band is coming on March 14th to do a workshop. On March 21st is a musical talent show. Also on that day, elementary students are going to the Owls Head Transportation Museum. It’s nice to have a few trips and events after a drought of no activities. Drama has returned. Our German teacher is holding a weekly after-school improv theater club. Their first meeting yesterday went well. The total solar eclipse is going to be on Monday, April 8th at 2:20. We normally dismiss at 2:30, but it’s not going to be safe to have students on the bus at that time. We going to purchase eclipse glasses for the students, and we plan to dismiss early. Some schools in northern Maine are going to be closed that day.
Dr. DePatsy reported that he filled in for Kate this week while she was at the Principals Association. He had a great time and left her with lots of work to do.
Nothing to report.
Mr. Conover reported that the banquet is tonight. Both the boys’ and the girls’ teams made it to the tournament. It’s exciting to see both teams engaged and happy and doing well. The middle school team did well also. Logan Burns represented the school at the New England indoor track meet in Boston this past weekend. He came in 17th out of 35.
It’s magnet season. We are accepting applications.
The Policy Committee met today. We’re going to try to get manuals printed.
No report.
No report.
superintendent nomination, contract negotiation.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:17 pm, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No Discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
X Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting at ___ pm, ___, seconded by ___. No Discussion. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Upcoming meetings:
Special Budget Meeting: March 14th @ 5:30
Regular School Board Meeting: April 7th @ 5:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
7/14/22 6:15 pm
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The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:40 PM by Chair Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Zach Conover, and Skye Purdy
II Adjustment to the Agenda
III. Approval of 6/23/22 Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes 6/2/22 Board Meeting meetings
Ms. Reidy made a motion to table the 6/23/22 and 6/2/22 minutes to add in the names of all
resignations at the Islesboro Central School. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The
motion was approved 5-0.
III. Correspondence
1st read for:
2nd read for :
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve the following policies only: DN, EBAA, EEAEAA, EEAEAA-R, and ECB
with the rest of the policies to be tabled due to needing more work.
VII. New Business
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve Laura Read as new the Art Teacher and seconded by Ms. Dove
and there was no discussion. 5-0 in favor.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Ms. Legere was on vacation so Superintendent DePatsy wrapped both reports into one.
Principal Legere and Ms. Dakers are working on the schedule-this changes yearly due to student need
and staffing. We have filled the art position, are closing in on English, and are accepting applications
for the 2-3 classroom teacher, custodian, bus driver and kitchen assistant positions. For the magnet report: we have confirmed two new magnet students for the coming year. Our Responsive Classroom presenter has canceled. We are waiting to hear if this person can be replaced. Principal Legere will be working on the student and the staff handbooks for the fall. She is looking for input from the committee regarding which policies students and staff need as common knowledge. Superintendent DePatsy discussed the cleaning of the building (further discussion will ensue at the next meeting on the cost) , filling out State and Federal reports that are due over the summer. Mr. DePatsy discussed how we are purchasing Ring cameras to help with safety and protection of the building. (Another discussion will ensue around firewall safety and how the lock down went this past June).
Superintendent DePatsy reviewed some topics for the next facilities meeting. Fixing the door
near the gym, selling the gazebos, purpose of the deck out front, and security cameras.
No report
No Report
Finance meetings will start in September prior to the School Board Meeting.
Superintendent DePatsy will bring to the Policy Committee what policies do want to review
prior to the start of school with staff, as well as students.
Other discussion revolved around having school board members pick committees they want to serve on. There
will be a School Board workshop training at the August 4th meeting at 4:30. Superintendent DePatsy did
provide the School Board with the Audit.
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 7:02 PM this was seconded by Ms. Dove No discussion 5-0 in
9/1/22 6:15 pm School Board Meeting
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The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 6:15 PM by Superintendent DePatsy. Present: Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Zach Conover, Skye Purdy, and Dave Dyer.
II Vote for Chair of the School Board & Vote for Vice Chair of the School Board & Committee
Selection (2 Board Members Per Committee)
Ms. Reidy made a motion to nominate Dave Dyer to be Chair of the School Board. It was seconded by Mr.
Purdy. Mr. Dyer said he would be happy to do it again. No discussion. 5-0 in favor. There was a motion made by
Chair Dyer to nominate Ms. Reidy for Vice Chair of the School Board. No discussion. 5-0 in favor.
Committee Selection
Policy- Ms. Reaidy and Ms. Dove will continue to be on the Policy Committee.
Finance- Mr. Conover and Mr. Purdy volunteered to be on the Finance Committee. It was recommended that Sally email them when she is ready for signatures.
Facility-Chair Dyer and Ms. Reidy will continue to the Facilities Committee
Curriculum- Ms. Dove and Mr. Purdy will remain on Curriculum Committee
Magnet-Mr. Conover will be the school board representative on the Magnet Com
Region 8 (representative)- The Superintendent and Ms. Dakers will report out
III. Adjustment to the Agenda
The School Board wanted to add the use of cameras (Ring) to unfinished business as well as to
vote on the July minutes that were tabled.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the 8/4/22 School Board minutes. This was seconded by Ms. Dove. No
discussion 5-0 in favor.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the 7/14/22 School Board minutes. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. No discussion. 5-0 in favor.
Superintendent DePatsy discussed the letter attached for funding for a new electric ferry.
VII. Unfinished Business
Mr. Conover brought up the previous discussion at the last meeting around the new Ring Cameras
outside. The School Board would like to know how long we are supposed to keep the recordings? Can we hear what is being said outside on the recording or just video? Does it fall under FOIA?
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Chair Dyer told the School Board he will have something at the next meeting but he is getting back into the groove.
Superintendent DePatsy discussed how the professional development days went for the school. We had Responsive Classroom and I Ready math for curriculum, instruction, and assessment training. We also reviewed policies with our staff on: Bullying, Sexual Harrassment, Hazing, FERPA, Reporting Abuse. We are focusing on Bullying this year as this has been a problem in past couple years/ We also made determinations around the use of cell phones and help with cleaning of classrooms and hallways. We reviewed our updated handbook. First day of school went great and it was wonderful to see all the students getting into the groove of school again. Currently we have 82 students. In order to get the school ready we hired someone to take out the screws in the stairs to the playground, Thanks to Ms. Howell and Mr. Nelson we have new swings.
Sports are off to a good start but there is no coach for sailing and cross country.
No report but will have updated information as it comes in.
Magnet will need to meet to discuss a variety of topics.
Budget is on track where we have overages in Secondary due to hiring and health benefits but
is corrected by underages in Special Education and Elementary lines.
Needs to meet to look at areas of cell phones and to continue on organizing and updating
The School Board needs to vote on these curriculum changes.
Superintendent DePatsy called another company to look at the building but has not heard
back. The Facilities Committee will need to look at the playground and the roof.
The School Board discussed policy JJBA and to call the Crisis Team together to create a plan for the school.
The School Board recommended certain members to be invited.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM this was seconded by Mr. Purdy No discussion
5-0 in favor.
9/29/22 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Finance Committee 5:00 pm
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III. Approval of Minutes 9/1/22 School Board Meeting Agenda/Mintues
Mr. Purdy reported that a meeting had been held to begin the development of the Emergency Planning/Crisis Plan. Mr. Purdy informed the Board that this is a State requirement and asked for support in developing the plan and expressed the importance of prioritizing the effort.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the use of cameras for video surveillance inside and outside the school. Mr. Purdy seconded the motion. Discussion:
Mr. Dyer reviewed the email report, provided by the Superintendent, of the answers received from the School Legal Counsel. In summary, the use of video surveillance and the general implementation of the system is legal. It was recommended by counsel that the audio feature be turned off. Mr. Dyer informed the Board the audio feature on the Ring cameras had been turned off.
Mr. Conover expressed concerns with the current implementation of the video surveillance program due to lack of adherence to ICS School Policy, lack of a clear procedure to provide guidance to those involved, and cyber security concerns with regards to control of the data. If implemented properly and with the need expressed by the school, Mr. Conover could support video surveillance.
Ms. Dove pointed out that the Policy Committee was working on updating the ICS Video Surveillance Policy and that it was on the agenda for a first read.
Mr. Purdy expressed support for the idea of cameras, if they are necessary to address bullying and vandalism, as well as concerns regarding the implementation of the video surveillance program specifically with regards to adherence with the law, policies and cyber security.
The floor was open to comments from the Public:
Mr. Joshua Conover questioned the reasoning behind the need for cameras in the school and asked why the parents had not been informed. He reported that he had received conflicting information from the school administration while reaching out via email.
Ms. Vicki Conover expressed concerns regarding system security and asked where the data is stored. Is the data local or in the cloud? She also mentioned that video was visible while passing by the maintenance office when picking up cleaning supplies.
Mr. Dyer asked Ms. Legere for an explanation of “why the school needs the cameras.”
Ms. Legere expressed that the indoor video surveillance had been put in service during the previous school year to counter acts of vandalism. The exterior video surveillance was installed as the original camera (installed with 2010 renovation) was broken and unable to be repaired.
Mr. Conover asked if the current motion being discussed was required because the current ICS Video Surveillance Policy already authorized the video surveillance being discussed.
Ms. Reidy withdrew her motion.
Mr. Conover discussed the possibility of pausing the implementation of the video surveillance for 45-60 days to allow time for policy and procedure updates as well as a review of the technical implementation to ensure system security.
Ms. Reidy expressed concern that she would be uncomfortable with a pause because of the chance an incident could happen that would affect a student.
Mr. Conover made a motion to suspend the use of all video surveillance on Islesboro Central School property for 45 days. Mr. Purdy seconded the motion. No Discussion. Motion carried on a vote of 3-2.
The Facilities Committee is taking the lead to engage with the School Administration on this matter.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to table the first reading of the ECAD Security Camera Policy. Mr. Purdy seconded the motion. Discussion:
Ms. Reidy withdrew her motion.
Mr. Conover asked if we needed to pass the first reading of the policy tonight to allow for the revised policy to be implemented within the 45days set for implementation of Video Surveillance.
Mr. Conover made a motion to approve the first reading of the ECAD Security Camera policy as presented. Mr. Pudy seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried on a vote of 5-0
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Ms. Dove made a motion to accept the first reading of the comprehensive management plan as presented. Ms. Reidy seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
Issue was reordered to the Other Business portion of the agenda.
VII. Committee/Administrative Reports
VII. Other Business
1/12/2023 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
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The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Vice Chair Julie Reidy. Present: Principal
Legere, Dr. DePatsy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, Emily Warren (student rep) and Sky Purdy. Dave Dyer
(Chair) was excused and not present.
III. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the 12/1/22 minutes. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. There were a few
minor changes that were made to the minutes where discussion ensued. 4-0 in favor of the minutes with changes.
Emily Warren (student representative) discussed how Miss Linsday and herself created a council called the ICS
Wellness Council. They had their first meeting this past week. Their attendance was most of the 4th and 5th
grade, and about four high school students. They talked about the purpose of the council and the expectations of
being a part of it. They hope that by creating this council students in grades 4-12 will be able to better the
wellness of themselves and their communities, whether that be at school or at home. They hope to see more
representatives of middle school and high school in our next meeting. Superintendent DePatsy stated that with
School Board approval of the student representative. Ms. Warren can provide an update under the principal
update so she can have a spot on the agenda.
Superintendent DePatsy asked the School Board to make a motion to approve the quote from Maine
Metal Roofing for $235,000. Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the quote and Ms. Dove seconded the motion.
Discussion ensued around the quote. Mr. Conover wanted more information of how it will be paid for and what
lines in the budget would be impacted. In addition, he wanted to know what maintenance projects would be put
off in order to pay for this project. Superintendent DePatsy talked extensively with both Ms. McDonough
and Mr. Cilley, as well as the Vice Chair, and they stated that we would be able to take it from the $180,000
stock account and other lines. Ms. Reidy asked the Superintendent to provide more details to the School Board.
Mr. Conover made another motion to table the previous motion. Motion failed
with 1 vote in favor and 3 not in favor. Ms. Reidy’s original motion was approved 3-1.
VII, New Business
CC Authority And Delegation Of Authority
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve CC, CB-R, and CHD for 1st reads and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. Discussion ensued around how the Policy Committee updated the Superintendent’s job
description due to being one day a week. Also MSMA suggested we stick with CC and CHD wording as
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Last month the holiday concert was delightful and well attended-in the Islesboro tradition Ms. Betha’s
4th and 5th grade class organized a food drive for the Islesboro food pantry, staff and students in all
grades donated and the food was delivered on December 20. School was closed the day before winter
break due to the high number of illness among students and staff. Now that we are back from vacation,
basketball is in full swing, transportation and scheduling continue to keep us busy. Covid continues to
disrupt but on a much lower scale than this time last year. Students in K-3 recently enjoyed a field trip
to the Coastal Museum in Rockland. All 8th and 9th grade students along with interested 10th and 11th
graders went to tour Midcoast School of Technology (Region 8) yesterday. I am gathering teacher
budget requests for SY 23-24. I have started to create the calendar for next year, will meet with Lead
Team to finish a first draft
Superintendent DePatsy stated that the drinking water testing results came back which are done by the
State every year. All tests came back clear and all good. We are working on the budget and will be
following the budget timeline.
Budget Timeline 2023-2024 .docx Overall budget this year looks good and right on track. ICS is
running well and students are doing well with our great staff.
The Boys Varsity Basketball team is 2-4. Temple , Forest Hills, and Searsport in the upcoming
schedule. Girls and Boys Varsity had a great victory over Temple at home. Searsport is coming to
Islesboro on 1/21/23. Middle School is 2-4 and the next home game is 1/20/23.
Magnet committee met and discussed both programming and student approval.
Policy met and minutes are attached.
Finance Committee Report – 12-1-22 – Final
Mr. Conover provided the minutes from the previous Finance meeting. The Finance Committee did not meet this month (December). Mr. Conover still has concerns over the current and previous budget with the Board needing to vote on lines over 5% last summer, the “lax” administration structure for most everything, and not having delegation of authority documented.
IX.. Other Business
Mr. Purdy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Conover seconded the motion with no
discussion 4-0
2/2/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
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The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair Dave Dyer. Present: Principal
Legere, Dr. DePatsy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, Emily Warren, Julie Reidy and Sky Purdy
III. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Purdy made a motion to approve the 1/12/22 minutes. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. Discussion ensued
about the vote count in the minutes. The vote was wrong due to Chair Dyer not being present. So it was changed
from 4-1 vote to 3-1 in the minutes. 5-0 in favor of the minutes with the vote change.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve policy CC and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. No discussion. 5-0 in favor
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve policy CB-R and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. Discussion ensued by Mr. Conover where he inquired about the timeline for implementation of the new job description. Asking, “how do we handle job responsibilities that are not currently being performed but are required under the new job description.” Superintendent DePatsy asked Mr. Conover to repeat himself for documentation in the minutes. Mr. Conover repeated himself and added that he is “trying to ensure we are not setting the Superintendent up for failure.” Superintendent DePatsy stated, “I don’t think so and this job description is well written for a one day Superintendent position.” 5-0 all in favor
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve policy CHD and Ms. Dove seconded the motion. Mr. Conover pointed out that the wording of the policy, as written, “did not appear to give the Superintendent or the Principal the right to act.” Discussion ensued around Mr. Conover’s comments around the wording of the policy. Mr. DePatsy and Ms. Reidy said this was approved by MSMA and changing the wording could leave us vulnerable. Discussion ensued and Ms. Reidy changed the motion to table the policy. Ms. Dove seconded. 5-0 in favor.
VII, New Business
Superintendent DePatsy stated that Negotiations were going well and making steady progress.
Ms. Reidy and Ms. Dove did not meet but will be meeting to work policies in February.
The School Board gave Superintendent DePatsy some concerns of what should be in the budget. This included a Cyber security network, uniforms for the girls team, and a sustainable food program.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
No report
In the month of January we had two snow days, one two-hour delay and a wind day. A wind day is
when mainland staff and students connect remotely from home due to the likelihood of ferry
cancellations because of wind. If the roads are passable, the building has heat, water and electricity,
and there is adequate staff, school will be open. If we have to cancel or delay, we will notify families
using the text and email alert system. The 4th and 5th grade class will have three ski lessons at the
Camden Snow Bowl as part of their Outdoor Education led by Melissa Jagger. Their first lesson was
yesterday and by all accounts was a success. School counselors Lindsay Dakers and Kiki Lockwood
will be re-introducing the Big, Middle, Little program this month-this pairs elementary, middle and
high school students to increase K-12 social interaction that makes our school so special.
Superintendent DePatsy discussed how he will be presenting the “Superintendent’s Budget” at the 3/2/23 Board Meeting. Superintendent DePatsy felt that the School Board would be happy with his budget. Teacher negotiations are going well and we are working through a series of certification issues with the Department of Education.
We had another wellness council meeting earlier this afternoon as always we are still open to/looking
for new members particularly high school and middle school. As we move into the new year we have
started thinking about spring activities, such as prom. A prom committee was formed this past month
to engage students in prom planning. We have the plan of meeting twice a month to check in on tasks
that need to be completed before the event. In order to better provide for the entire student body, there
could be a suggestion box put in the lobby of the school (or wherever most convenient) where students
can anonymously put suggestions or things that they would like to be brought up to the school board.
The goal is for students’ voices to be heard and doing things that promote student involvement will
allow for that to happen.
Ms. Wuori stated that the Middle School finished strong in basketball. However, boys and girls
Varsity basketball will finish up soon.
Minutes were attached from Region 8.
The Magnet Committee did not meet. However, the Parents said we should have ads and marketing campaign.
No policy meeting
No Curriculum meeting
Mr. Purdy reviewed the budget and next month will have the first payment for the cost of the roof next month.
No Meeting
IX.. Other Business
No other Business.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Purdy seconded the motion with no
discussion 5-0 at 6;11 PM,
4/3/23 5:30 pm School Board Budget Workshop in the ICS library
6:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
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The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 6:33 PM by Chair Dave Dyer. Present: Principal
Legere, Dr. DePatsy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, Julie Reidy and Sky Purdy
III. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the 2/2/22 minutes. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. Discussion ensued
about the changes to Mr. Conover’s name and his remarks around the Superintendent’s job description. 5-0 in favor of the minutes with the changes discussed.
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve policy BBBAA and Mr. Conover seconded the
motion. No discussion. 5-0 in favor
Mr. Conover made a motion to approve policy CHD and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. No discussion. 5-0 in favor
VII, New Business
Chair Dyer stated that Negotiations is almost finished and there are few items left to come to consensus on.
At this point the School Board moved on in the agenda to calendar see below, however came back to
budget as they forgot to pass the fund balance reserves.
Vote on DRAFT SY 23-24 Calendar
Ms. Legere discussed with the School Board a change in the calendar and school hours for next
Year. Ms. Legere would like to change the school hours to help keep consistency within the school day
and have prep time for teachers from 2:30-3:00 pm. Ms. Reidy asked if parents would be upset
with this change. Ms. Legere stated that teachers don’t have enough time with current schedule to
work on instructional practice and professional development. In addition students will leave at 1:30
PM on Fridays. Reidy made a motion to approve ‘23-’24 calendar and was seconded by Chair Dyer. Vote 5-0 motion carries.
Senior Trip Presentation and Approval
Ms. Currie and Mr. Anderson discussed the itinerary for the senior trip to Costa Rica. Ms.
Reidy made a motion to approve the senior class trip to Costa Rica. Mr. Conover seconded the motion. No discussion. Vote 5-0 motion approved
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
No report
March and April: The cold snap the first weekend of February caused a burst pipe which caused a great
deal of water damage. This was a considerable setback to normal operations. The ICC and the town
library kindly allowed us to use their space to accommodate the K-7 students, and 8-12 had to be
remote. Students in 8-12 grade were invited to do their online work at the library as well. After a week of
plumbing work we were able to bring the 6th-12th grade back into the building. K-5 remained at ICC for
the week leading up to vacation. Demolition in the impacted rooms was completed over vacation. The
science room is back in use but the K-1 room will be out of use until after summer. The K-1 has been
relocated into the 2-3 room, the former porch. The 2-3 class is now in the library annex room. The entire
staff is to be commended for their flexibility, creative problem solving, and extra work they had to do.I
also commend the students for their cooperation, understanding and overall exemplary behavior
during that time. Emily Davis, LCPC will be providing mental health counseling once a week in
conjunction with the Islesboro Community Fund. Jen Bailey has been hired as a Special Ed tech to
support special ed students, she started Tuesday, March 14. March 30th we had a casual open house
and potluck dinner, it was well attended and a lot of fun. Spring sports (middle and high school track
and high school sailing) have started. We will be using resources from the I Love U Guys foundation to
support our efforts in emergency/crisis planning, including lockdown drills (attached)THE STANDARD
It was mentioned Ms. Dakers and Ms. Watson have been working on the issues of mental
health and taking steps to help. Resource page is being out on the website.
None- Congrats to the girls and boys team in making the tournament.
ICS Roof History -Main Building
None –
Mr. Conover made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Dyer seconded the motion with no
discussion 5-0 at 6:15 PM.
5/11/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
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The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:34 PM by Chair Dave Dyer. Present: Principal Legere, Dr. DePatsy, Colleen Dove, Zachariah Conover, Julie Reidy and Sky Purdy
Superintendent DePatsy told the School Board that he just received the final Teacher Contract. There will not be enough time to review before the executive session so there will NOT be an executive session this evening.
III. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Conover discussed some issues within minutes. Mr. Conover believes that we need to make a change in the minutes to show that we were supposed to raise money and not transfer money to pay the nutrition fund.
Discussion ensued around what board members thought the motion was. Mr. Conover stated that his motion to the school nutrition fund for $100,000 was for the sustained losses over the years. Mr. Purdy also agreed with Mr. Conover. Ms. Reidy felt it was unhelpful to use different budget documents. Mr. Conover moved to amend the motion from transfer to raise a sum of $100,000 to cover the losses from the school nutrition fund. Motion failed 3-2. Discussion ensued around the motion. At the 5/11/23 school board meeting it was left out of the minutes that “Mr. Conover stated that failure to use the $400,000 staying with the school administration budget will be an increase for the Taxpayers.” Seconded by Mr. Purdy. Motion carries 3-2 Mr. Conover also made a motion to include the minutes of the change in the school hours and “Mr. Conover asked if it complied with all state and federal laws.” Seconded by Mr. Purdy. 3-2 motion carries. The 1:30 PM in the minutes on Friday will change to 1:00 PM. Ms. Reidy seconded the motion and motion carries 5-0 . Another motion by Mr. Conover with support from Principal Legere was to add to the minutes “in addition students will leave at 1:00 PM on Fridays for professional development”. Ms. Reidy seconded the motion 5-0 motion carries. Mr. Conover made another motion to add to the minutes: “Ms. Reidy asked if there was a contingency plan for the trip if something happened on the trip. Mr. Conover supported the trip and thanked Ms. Haley and Mr. Anderson for making the trip happen.” Ms. Dove seconded the motion. 5-0 motion carries Mr. Conover made yet another motion to change the end of the minutes from 6:15 pm to 8:15 pm. Mr. Purdy seconded and motion carries 5-0. Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the minutes with the corrections. Ms. Dove seconded motion and motion carries 4-1.
Vote on DRAFT SY 23-24 Calendar
None- Under correspondence Ms. Reidy made a request to have a dedicated laptop for the Board, cart with screen, and Owl. Ms. Reidy made it clear that we need to know who is responsible for setting up the dedicated equipment for Board meetings. Moreover, Mr. Conover felt this was a great idea. Ms. Reidy made a motion to have a video recording cart which is outlined in the letter May 6th, 2023. Seconded by Ms. Dove. 5-0 motion carries.
Seniors made thank you cards for the School Board and had a wonderful time on the trip.
VII. New Business.
Probationary Teachers Year I
Probationary Teachers Year II
Ms. Reidy stated that all job descriptions need to be updated and dated. Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve all
Year 1 teachers. Mr. Conover seconded the motion. 5-0 motion carries. Ms. Reidy made a second motion to move
Probationary teachers, Year 2 to continuing contract.. 4-0 motion carries. Mr Conover abstained to not vote for his mother. Seconded by Ms. Dove. 4-0 motion carries.
Request for Proposal-
Chair Dyer asked Superintendent DePatsy about the request. Mr. Conover stated that the formatting needs to be cleaned up to look neater and tighter. It seemed odd to have due dates but then have a statement to be open until someone is found. He also asked to have a page limit on the proposal. Mr. Conover asked who makes the approval for the bids. Chair Dyer stated the facilities committee. Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the RFP for masonry. Mr. Purdy seconded the motion. Discussion ensued on where the RFP would be posted. Ms. Reidy stated that should be posted on the Island. 5-0 motion carries.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Principal Legere stated it is spring at ICS and we have had lots of great activity. It is teacher and staff appreciation week and she wanted to recognize and commend the ICS faculty and staff for their continued exemplary work. Tuesday, April 11 we had our first lockdown drill in several years. Students and staff did exactly what they were expected to do and we worked a few details out. Last month we had a successful junior class dinner/art auction as well as the musical cabaret. We also enjoyed the return of the big-middle-little buddy program. School counselors Kiki Lockwood and Lindsay Dakers have coordinated school wide events such as scavenger hunts, door decorating and teacher appreciation. For the first time since 2019, our seniors went on their trip. The senior class enjoyed a very positive and successful trip to Costa Rica over April vacation. I want to recognize the students for the positive way they represented our school and the town, and also thank Ms. Curry and Pete for their year of fundraising and then year of trip planning. The students will be presenting the highlights of their trip with a slideshow in the Kinnicutt Center on May 23. Lindsay Dakers coordinated a showing of the documentary Screenagers, which is a two part series on the impact cell phones, video games and social media have on student mental health. Several of Jackie Hughes’ high school English students participated in the poetry reading at AP. Spring sports are in full swing, middle and high school track and sailing are keeping us busy. The annual K-12 spring concert is on May 16. The 6-8 grade students will be going on a four day camping trip to Mooshead as part of the Outdoor Education program led by Melissa Jagger the week of May 22. Ms. Betha’s 4-5 class will be on Warren Island the following week. A member of the Maine State Police will be here to give a presentation on cyber safety to parents and students on June 1 and 2. Graduation is Saturday, June 3 at noon.
Islesboro has been approved into the East/West Conference. We are in for one year to make sure
sportsmanship is being observed and that the season goes well and we can then stay in the conference.
Sailing is going great as we have six sailors from ICS. Middle School track is going great. Jaykob Zollman got first in High Jump at most meets and second in Javelin. At the first meet we had the high school in Belfast and Middle School at Camden and ICS came first in both High
Jump / Long Jump going against schools such as Camden, Lincoln Academy, and MDI (large schools).
HS Track Logan Burns has qualified for three events for the State meet. Thank Melissa Burns and
Nate Larlee for their help with Track and Field this year which helped Ms. Wuori coach sailing. We need a Middle School Soccer coach and assistant coach for soccer for August. High School assistant soccer coach in August, Golf Coach for August, X Country coach and assistant coach August.
Remember Student athletes need physicals yearly to participate in sports
Policy met but organized what policies to look at.
Mr. Purdy would like to reconsider a motion that was previously voted on and made a motion to reconsider a matter previously voted upon on the use of the unbudgeted fund balance to cover the deficit in the school nutrition fund. Discussion ensued around this motion. Ms. Dove seconded the motion 3-2 motion carries. Mr. Purdy rescinded the above motion and Ms. Dove seconded the motion. 5-0 motion carries. Mr. Conover made a new motion to change our use of unallocated fund balance contributions to bring the budget down from $400,000 to $300,000. Discussion ensued around having the tax increase around 2%. 3-2 motion carries. Ms. Reidy asked if Sally will need to do a new print out of the budget. Superintendent DePatsy said he would let her know.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Conover seconded the motion with no discussion 5-0 at 7:05 PM
JULY 13, 2021
I) Called to order by Chair Nakomis at 6:15 pm
Members present: Nakomis Nelson, Julie Reidy, , Colleen Dove, Dave Dyer; Absent: Skylar Purdy
Motion by Dave and second by Julie – nominate Nakomis as Chairperson Vote: Unanimous
Motion by Nakomis and second by Julie – nominate Dave as Vice Chairperson Vote: Unanimous
Standing Committees Assignments for 2021 – 2022
Policy: Julie & Nakomis
Curriculum: Colleen & Julie
Finance: Julie & Nakomis
Facilities: Julie & Dave
Magnet: Colleen & Nakomis
Region 8: on hold pending question to MidCoast regarding Lindsay Dakers versus a board member
Athletics: not a standing committee butColleen would assist Athletic Director with board information
2) Adjustments: Under New Business (D) – change to consideration of Dominic DePatsy for Islesboro Central School Superintendent
3) Motion to accept adjusted agenda by Nakomis and seconded by Dave Vote: Unanimous
4) Recognized Julie Reidy and Colleen Dove to the board – Congratulations
5) Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of June 3, 2021 andSpecial Board Meeting of June 8, 2021were tabled due to board membership change; will be placed on August agenda
6) Reports:
A. Chair: Interviews and Superintendent search went well
B. Principal:Finished out the end of the year while teaching at the same time. Since the end of year, there has been multiple interviews for teachers.
C. Superintendent – Maine DOE at 4:02pm released information with numerous links to federal CDC guidelines and state CDC guidelines – encouraged all to read, Maine DOE framework to open schools for 2021 – 2022 should be based upon local conditions
D. Committee Reports:
1) Facility: No report – no meeting
2) Region 8: From Lindsay on students attending – 2; culinary arts, 1; Bakery & Pastries, 1; Marine Technology and 1; outdoor leadership
3) Magnet: 23 students in 2020 – 2021; 6 graduated; 3 acceptance into grades 10 – 12; and 2 awaiting decisions
4) Athletics: Fall sports are a go per MPA
5) Curriculum: No report – No meeting
Leadership Team and Nurse Reports: Not reported
7) Open Session – Questions: Posting on coaching positions – discussion with Athletic Director and use of school vans – summer program has been utilizing, cargo van has been used by staff, community use with permission, potentially establishing a policy as well as use of school property.
8) Old Business – Class of 2020 cancelled senior class trip; trip vouchers and funds: Information was provided from Pete Anderson letter; wait a month for students and parents to provide input; majority to travel with student groups; students and original advisors travel with original intent of trip; place on the August school board agenda
9) New Business:
A.) Consideration of the approval of Cheryl Morin, 2-3 teacher – Kate provided: position for 1 year and highly recommended – Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Julie Vote: Unanimous
B.) Consideration of the approval of Sue Isteero, 7-12 Special Ed teacher – Kate informed board: candidate has withdrawn therefore no action required
C.) Consideration of the approval of Haley Currie, Science teacher – Kate provided: very excited to have on board; physical and life science; research work on Cape Cod; desires small coastal community
Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Dave Vote: Unanimous
D.) Consideration of the approval of Dominic DePatsy, Superintendent of ICS – Nakomis provided: former Superintendent; currently 1 day Superintendent on Long Island; 20+ years experience; dual certified in Superintendent and SPED Director; desires part time positions
Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Dave Vote: Unanimous
X) Motion to adjourn by Dave and seconded by Nakomis at 6:50 pm Vote: Unanimous
Amended 8/10/21
08/12/21 4:30 PM GYM IN PERSON
I. Discussion of reopening plan for start of school.
08/12/21 6:15 PM GYM IN PERSON
Virtual Link may be provided for viewing only
(US) +1 347-861-6971 PIN: 634 180 162#
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to meeting @ 6:16. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen
Dove, Nakomis Nelson, Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Skye Purdy, Julie Reidy, Kate Legere (Principal)
II. Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting June 3, 2021
Special Board Meeting of June 8th, 2021
School Board Meeting Minutes for June 3rd and June 8th were motioned for approval as written. (5-0)
July 13th 2021
The School Board did not move on these minutes.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
Principal Legere discussed the following topics:
Upcoming Dates
New staff orientation August 30
Teacher In-Service August 31 and September 1
First student day September 2
Enrollment Facts
five incoming kindergarteners
6 new magnets
5 attending midcoast (culinary, baking and pastry, marine trades, outdoor leadership)
20 magnets total
65 island student total
85 total
New staff
Vicki Conover is coming out of retirement to serve the technology teacher and network administrator
Melissa Jagger is filling the role of half time Horticulture teacher and quarter time Outdoor Education teacher. Both educators bring a high level of energy, enthusiasm and knowledge in their respective fields and ICS is very lucky to have them as part of the team.
Staff vacancies
7-12 Special Ed position remains unfilled at this time, we are looking at possibilities
The 20 hour school nurse position also remains open, there are two new candidates today.
Retired school nurse Emily Wesson has agreed to help with opening and orient the new school nurse after they are hired.
Covid Mitigation
Met with IHC staff for their input on tentative reopening procedures to stop the spread of Covid, phone consult with Dr. Heather Ward
ICS is grateful to partner with and rely on the IHC for support and guidance on all aspects of Covid and school
ICS will partner with IHC to have sentinel testing at school for students and staff who are willing to participate
Reopening plan to be presented/discussed this evening
V. Public Session
VI. Old Business
Class of 2020 class trip funds – The senior Class trip was discussed with the School Board in relation to the vouchers and remaining balance that would go toward the EFT tour and trip. The school will work the auditors around how to best allocate the funds that are in a school account for the trip. Students will get reimbursed for transportation on the trip. The School Board agreed to make a decision to give the students until November of 2023.
VII. New Business
Approval of Tech Coordinator – Vicki Conover
School Board approved (5-0) Vicki Conover to serve as the technology teacher and network administrator.
Approval of Policy ref virtual meetings
Policy BED was approved by the School Board to allow Islesboro Central School to do remote meetings if need be due to COVID.
Reopening plan, guides for 2021/2022 school year
Principal Legere discussed the opening plan for school. The School Board adopted the plan with unanimous approval based on guidance from the MDOE, CDC and IHC. School will be open for in-person learning to all students, for the full school day (8:35-3:05). Parents are encouraged to provide transportation to school when possible
MASKS will be work by all students, staff and visitors (vaccinated or unvaccinated)
inside any school property
when riding in school buses, vans or ferry
three feet or more when inside and when eating (whether inside or outside)
care should be taken when unmasked to keep appropriate distance-no person-to-person physical contact
wash hands for at least 20 seconds frequently
hand sanitizer when hand washing not feasible
stay home if you are sick/have any of the symptoms listed
staff and students who agree to participate will be tested for Covid at school every two weeks by IHC staff
person who is positive will be isolated in nurse’s office and sent home
primary contacts (school related) will be notified by school staff (K. Legere, M. Burns, L. Dakers)
Testing recommended for primary contacts
Quarantine required for NON-VACCINATED persons
Consult health care professionals for further guidance regarding return to school.
Ratify Mid-Coast School of Technology Cooperative Agreement
The School Board ratified (5-0) the Mid-Coast School of Technology Cooperative Agreement.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Principal Legere already made their report.
Athletics –
Tracy Wuori discussed the opening Fall season for athletics and is very excited about getting students playing sports again.
Committee Reports
No Committees have met and the Superintendent will be setting these up.
Region 8
IX. Other Business-
XI. Adjournment –
The School Board Adjourned and was unanimously approved (5-0)
9/9/21 6:15pm Kinnicut Center (Gym)
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
View with Google Meet
(US) +1 347-861-6971 PIN: 634 180 162#
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 6:16 PM. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen
Dove, Nakomis Nelson, Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Kate Legere (Principal). Skye Purdy
II. Approval of 08-12-21 ICS Board Meeting Agenda
III. Correspondence
The School Board discussed a letter dated September 2021.
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
2nd read for :
BED – Virtual Meetings
Motion was made for a first read by Ms. Reidy for BED policy and Ms. Dove seconded policy to go forward as a new policy for the district. 5-0 in favor of the motion.
First Read for:
BIA – New School Committee Member Orientation
CB – School Superintendent
CB-R Job Description – Superintendent of Schools
Student Dress Code Policy
Motion was made by Ms. Reidy for BIA, CB, CB-R policy and Ms. Dove seconded the policy to go forward for a second read. 5-0 in favor of the motion
Motion was made by Ms. Reidy to table Policy Student Dress Code Policy and Chair Nelson seconded the policy to be tabled. 5-0 in favor of the motion
VII. New Business
Covid vaccination requirements
Chair Nelson discussed the opportunity of having staff have the mandatory vaccine. He did
discuss the situation with the district’s attorney and will report back on what is going on in the
State at the next meeting. Superintendent DePatsy discussed the state report required to be
submitted of each school district and Islesboro has a 77% vaccination rate for staff. This will
be done every month.
Snow Days, School Closures
Principal Legere discussed the ability for the Isleboro school to have blizzard bags and online
learning. The School Board approved the motion but not vote was needed as it is built into the
Approval of New Hires
Ann Frenning
Tracey Wuori
Will Schoppe
Coaches for sports
Chair Nelson made a motion and to approve the hires and was seconded by Mr. Purdy.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Chair Nelson discussed the opportunity of having a boat shop space on school grounds to help with hands-on education and boat building. Discussion ensued of trying to find money to help build it. The ideal space would be close to the orchard. The School Board looked at tools that could be used.
Our opening day went well, students and staff are glad to be back, the mood is upbeat and we
are getting into the routine. The daily announcements of last year are now weekly
announcements to avoid flooding everybody’s email every day-new information will be shared
as needed.
Enrollment Facts as of 9/2/21:
86 total students
21 magnet students
5 kindergarten students
2 new island residents
Staffing Issues
We are making do with just one bus driver and are hopeful to hire at least one more. The
whole staff has been extremely helpful with the extra supervision of students that is required
due to having only one driver.
We were unable to fill the 7-12 Special Ed position in time for school to start. We have hired a
Special Ed Tech III and Renee Miller our elementary special ed teacher and Dom are covering
the special ed needs at this time.
Tracey Wuori Library Ed Tech
Ann Frenning Special Ed Tech III
Will Schoppe custodian
Emily Wesson per diem nurse 2-3 times a month is the current arrangement
Rob McHugh: varsity soccer
Josh Pedrick: middle school soccer/assistant varsity soccer
Peter DiLalla: sailing
Anne McKee: cross country
Looking to fill the k-12 PE position, currently being covered in-house
Covid Mitigation:
The students are doing great with mask wearing.
The Health center has started its weekly Covid testing. There are currently 25-30 people
participating. 17 people were tested yesterday (Wednesday).
Superintendent DePatsy discussed the opening of school, updates from DOE, Special
Education updates, and general thoughts about the start of school.
Ms. Wuori reported via written report that she went to get uniforms and the sports program is
going well.
Committee Reports
Region 8
The only committees that met was Policy which put forward the above policies for first read.
IX. Other Business
No other business
X. Adjournment
At 6:52 pm Chair Nelson adjourned the meeting and Mr. Dyer seconded the motion.
10/7/21 6:15pm Kinnicut Center (Gym)
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Minutes in Bold
I. Call to Order and Roll Call-The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 6:15 PM by Mr.
Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,, Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Kate Legere
(Principal) and Skye Purdy
II. Approval of 9/9/21 Board Meeting Agenda
Ms. Reidy motioned to approve the minutes dated 9/9/21 and was seconded by Ms. Dove.
4-0 in favor
III. Correspondence-
Superintendent DePatsy read the letter from Janet Anderso, town manager, which endorsed Emily Wsson, R.N.
to fill the school nurse position and also to support Christine Robb to fill the role as medical advisor to the
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
1st read for:
BE- BE.docx
Ms. Reidy explained the need for the change in policy BE due to Superintendent’s schedule of
Coming to Islesboro on Thursdays. The School Board also agreed to change the time to 5:30 pm
During the months of school and during the summer it will be 6:15 pm. Ms. Reidy made a motion to accept BE
with changes discussed and Ms. Dove seconded the motion. 4-0 motion passed.
2nd read for :
BIA – New School Committee Member Orientation
CB – School Superintendent
Ms. Reidy discussed the need for policy BEA and CB. Ms. Reidy motioned to accept the two
policies and Ms. Dove seconded the motion. 4-0 motion passed.
CB-R Job Description – Superintendent of Schools
Ms, Reidy and Ms. Dove felt the CB-R should be tabled due to more work needed around role of
of the Superintendent Islesboro.
VII. New Business
Election Chair-
Ms. Dove nominated Mr. Dave Dyer to be the chair of the School Board. This was seconded by Ms. Reidy. Discussion was held and Mr. Purdy seconded the motion. 4-0 in favor of Mr. Dyer being the new Chair of the Islesboro Central School Board due to Mr. Nelson resigning. Ms. Dove nominated Ms. Reidy for Vice Chair of the School Board. This was seconded by Mr. Dyer.
Discussion of appointment of New Board Member
Due to the fact that there are three people interested in the Mr. Nelson’s School Board position
the School Board decided they will not appoint a new board member at this time.. After
discussing the matter with the Town Manager, it was determined that the three citizens should
take out papers and run for the seat in June. The School Board felt they would be fine with four
members until the election
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
We are at the end of the fifth full week of school.There have been no changes to enrollment, we have 86 K-12
students, 21 magnet students and 65 island resident students. There are no staffing changes to report, we
continue to advertise for a second bus driver, a PE/Health teacher and 25 hour per week school nurse. PE is
being covered by Tracey Wuori, who is also the library ed tech. We are getting by with one bus driver and have had to drive students home in the school vans a few times now. Many families are driving their students to and from school, which is appreciated. We also appreciate parents’ patience with our pick-up and drop-off process. Safety of course is our top priority when it comes to anything to do with cars. We have a per-diem nurse, Emily Wesson, who comes out on the average 1 to 2 times a week. Nurse Emily Wesson worked together with the Health Center for our flu clinic, today about 50 staff and students received the flu shot. All of our measures to stop the spread of Covid are still in effect. We hope it won’t be necessary, but if there is a positive Covid case within the school, we may need to close school for a day while we do the contact tracing and figure out our next steps with regard to quarantining and remote learning. The Leadership Team/Principal’s Advisory Committee met and discussed how to best use our professional half days, which will be used for grade level and curricular team meetings, curriculum planning and individual professional development. This team will meet monthly. Open House was on the school calendar for October 14, however due to the high rate of Covid transmission we are postponing it until later in the year when hopefully rates decrease. Parent Teacher Conferences: An announcement will be made for parents to request conferences with their children’s teachers-conferences can be either in person or virtual. We only have one half day scheduled solely for conferences (November 5), so many meetings will need to take place at another agreed upon time. The junior class has not had a commitment from teacher advisors yet but have started their fundraising efforts to return the traditional senior class trip. Racism hurts everyone, but the trauma it causes people of color is infinite. Sadly, ICS athletes of color have been racially targeted, both in recent days and in past seasons. ICS will not tolerate its students of color being targeted, and are in the process of deciding on what actions to take with this most recent act of racism.
The Superintendent reiterated how the beginning of school has been great and spirits are high. There is a focus
on student learning, instruction, curriculum, and assessment. Ms. Legere has passed out the Marshall Rubrics from the Professional Growth and Evaluation System for Islesboro. NEO, Special Education, Grant information is being uploaded. IEP and 504 meetings are taking place. The Budget is on track and above all the food is spectacular for a school district.
Sailing and Cross Country are strong this Fall. Middle School soccer is going well with 15 players. Varsity boys
and girls soccer is undefeated at this point and playoffs information is forthcoming. Basketball boys and girls
teams are getting ready. There are three openings still available for coaches.
Committee Reports
Facility Facilities Meeting
Mr. Dyer discussed the facilities meeting notes and there will be a meeting every month to deal with the issues
and concerns of the building. The facilities committee discussed the following topics brown tail moths, air
handlers, pointing, roof, buses, light fixtures, phones and custodian cleaning.
Region 8
No meeting and report
No meeting and report
December 2nd 4:15 PM
Policy Policy Meeting
The Policy Committee discussed how to handle updating all of Islesboro Central School policies. Both Ms. Reidy
and Dove has been going through all the policies to identify which ones need to be updated, deleted, or added.
Superintendent DePatsy is moving all the policies into a Google Doc format so all members can work on them
at the same time and keep them better organized and eventually get them on the website.
No meeting and report
IX. Other Business
Drivers education will start on October 19 Tuesday thru Thursday.
X. Adjournment
Mr Dyer motioned to adjourn the meeting @ 7:14 pm and seconded by Ms. Reidy. 4-0 in favor.
11/4/21 5:30 pm Kinnicut Center (Gym)
Agenda for New Board Member Orientation (BIA) November 4, 2021@ 4:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
I. Call to Order and Roll Call-The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:31 PM by Mr.
Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,, Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy
II. Approval of 10/7/21 Board Meeting Agenda
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the October 7th, 2021 School Board minutes and Mr. Purdy seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence-
Superintendent DePatsy discussed that he was contacted by a reporter doing a national story on students and
staff that travel via ferry. It was a transportation story.
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
1st read for:
Restorative Enforcement of Tobacco Policy Disciplinary Guidelines.docx
BIC-E BIC-E.docx
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve policy BIC-E for a first read. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. There was no
discussion. The motion passed 4-0 and will go for a second read.
2nd read for :
BE- School Board Meetings BE.docx
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve policy BE and Ms. Reidy seconded the motion. No discussion. Approved 4-0.
CB-R Job Description – Superintendent of SchoolsCB-R.docx
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve policy CB-R and Ms. Reidy seconded the motion. No discussion. Approved
VII. New Business
Open Bids for Fuel Oil (Heat with 30% Mix), Diesel Fuel (buses), Propane
Mr. Dyer read the following bids for propane, diesel, #2 fuel oil, and #1 kerosene:
Vinal Energy: wholesale price plus Bidder’s expense $0.20
Diesel Fuel:
Vinal Energy: wholesale price plus Bidder’s expense $0.20
#1 Kerosene:
Vinal Energy: wholesale price plus Bidder’s expense $0.22
MM Fuel: wholesale price plus Bidder’s expense $0.20
#2 Fuel Oil:
Vinal Energy: wholesale price plus Bidder’s expense $0.19
MM Fuel: wholesale price plus Bidder’s expense $0.20
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the propane and diesel bids from Vinal Energy at $0.20 for each and
To approve MM Fuel for #1 kerosene @ $0.20 and #2 Fuel Oil for $0.20. Mr. Purdy seconded the motion. No
discussion ensued. 4-0 in favor of motion.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
No report
We are coming up on the 9th week of school. Ms. Legere took a moment to congratulate the varsity soccer team and their coaches on their great season-runner-up in the southern Maine regional championship. We are nearing the end of the 9th week of school. There are no changes to enrollment or staffing. (86 K-12 students, 21 magnet students and 65 island resident students, still seeking a second bus driver and a PE teacher. Ms. Legere was pleased to announce that Megan Britton, a long-time ICS parent, and magnet coordinator, is now our school physician/medical advisor. We did have to close school for one day in order to do contact tracing, there was one case of Covid at the school and thankfully that person has recovered and no one else tested positive.Once final approval from all the different regulators of the Covid vaccine for the 5-11 age group is in place there will be a vaccine clinic for them here at school, tentatively November 16 in conjunction with Maine Health. There will also be a clinic for both Covid boosters and first time vaccines for adults on November 19, which is a half day inservice.All leadership team members will be attending a virtual conference on the topic of school climate on the afternoons of November 9 and 16. We had a half day inservice on October 29, which was used for a middle school staff meeting and a visit from Sashie Misner, the playground architect we are working with. Betha Howell has secured some funding to upgrade the playground area.School chef Pete Anderson and science teacher Haley Curriehave agreed to take on the role of junior class advisor.We have just about finished our fall NWEA testing, students in grades 3-8 and 11 were tested in reading, writing and math. These tests show proficiency and growth and the data is used to inform instruction. Ms. Legere is gathering summaries from each teacher for a curriculum focused newsletter, which will be issued quarterly. We are hoping to have a holiday concert in December. The current idea is to have two concerts, with performers in the bleachers, limit and distance the audience.
Superintendent DePatsy discussed the various reports due by the Department of Education. He also discussed
that 96% of the staff have the COVID vaccination. Other information will be reported out in the committee
It was a great Fall season for boating, and obviously soccer. There will be limited seating for parents during the
basketball season due to COVID regulations. There will be a banquet for all the sports this season and
will be broadcasted for the parents.
Committee Reports
Facility Facilities Meeting 11/4/21
The Facilities Committee discussed the following areas: Air Handlers, Pointing, Roof, Buses, and Gazebo. Please
read the attached minutes for more details.
Region 8
Ms. Dakers will be the Region 9 liaison.
There will be a meeting scheduled to discuss the magnet program. Ms. Dove will be working with Ms. Legere to find a
Superintendent DePatsy discussed that the School Board will have a finance workshop before the next school
board meeting.
Policy/Personnel – Policy Meeting 11/4/21
The policy committee reviewed several policies which include BE School Board Meetings and CB-R
Superintendent of Schools for second reading and first read for BIC-E restorative Enforcement of Tobacco
Disciplinary Guidelines.
Curriculum Curriculum Minutes 10/27
Mr. Purdy reviewed the Curriculum Committee minutes which focused a review of existing documentation and how teachers were responsible for creating and implementing curriculum. In addition, they discussed how to communicate and engage the community and align with the community as well identify goals for long term goals on curriculum development. Superintendent DePatsy discussed the circular approach to curriculum where it is developed, instructed, assessed by data, and then reworked the curriculum. A major job for the School Board is to adopt curriculum.
IX. Other Business
Mr. Dyer presented information to the Board regarding the vacant board position of Mr. Nelson. Mr. Dyer said the town will do a special election if
The School Board votes to do so and if they feel it is necessary. Discussion ensued around the idea and Ms. Reidy
made a motion to not appoint or seek further permission from the Town on referendum to replace Mr. Nelson.
In addition, the School Board will have community members fill out papers at the Town Office for the June
election. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. Discussion already took place 4-0 in favour of the motion.
X. Adjournment
Mr. Dyer motioned to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Reid seconded the motion. 4-0
12/2/21 5:30 pm
School Board Workshop on the Budget Process 12/2/21 @ 4:30 pm
Budget Timeline 2022-2023 .docx
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:31 PM by Mr. Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy
II. Approval of 11/4/21 Board Meeting Mintues
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the November 4, 2021 School Board minutes and Mr. Purdy seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
Coach Josh Pedrick requested the School Board to have players, coaches, and referees to not wear face masks
for games and practices. In addition, he requested that fans, other than family members, be able to come to the
games as it is one of the largest social events for winter on the Island. Also Captain Ben Smith spople via Zoom
to the School Board around the recent reduction of Quicksilver trips and if it continues there might need to be a
contract for a certain amount of runs per month in the next contract..
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
1st read for:
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve policy JKD, ACAA-R, ACA, AC, AC-R, and AEC for a first
read. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed 4-0 and will go for a
second read.
2nd read for :
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve policy BIC-E and Restorative Enforcement of Tobacco Policy. Disciplinary Guidelines. Ms. Reidy seconded the motion. No discussion. Approved 4-0.
VII. New Business
The School Board added an item to new business around not wearing masks for athletes, coaches, and referees
As well as having spectators at basketball events at Islesboro Central School. The School Board discussed and made a determination that athletes will not wear masks during the game or on the bench. They also allowed coaches and referees to not wear masks during the game. They also
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
We are now three weeks into the second quarter. Enrollment is 85 students: 22 Elementary, 21 Middle School,
42 High School Students (21 Magnet Students). The first ranking period ended on November 12. Report cards
were mailed out on November 19. In the sixth-twelfth grades, there were 16 students who achieved high honors,
and 25 who received honors.We are still seeking a second bus driver and a PE teacher.Basketball season has
started. The first varsity game is this Saturday. Middle School has their first game Monday. Both of these are
away. The first varsity home game is December 14, middle school’s first home game is December 18. We
continue to have weekly Covid testing, currently 50 students, 15 staff and are participating, along with coaches and some subs. We partnered with Maine Health for a successful Covid vaccine clinic for children ages 5-11 on November 16 with the second one coming up on December 7. 23 children in this age group received their vaccine. There was also a booster clinic for adults on November 19 which was very well attended. The holiday concert will take place on Thursday, December 9. Due to Covid we are taking numerous precautions, including having two performances to keep numbers down and limiting the audience to family members only.
Superintendent DePatsy supported Principal Legere’s update and discussed that Budget, Policies, and the
Building infrastructure is being focused on at the School Board level as well as Curriculum and Magnet
An update on Athletics was provided by Ms. Wuori
Committee Reports
Facility – Superintendent DePatsy and Ms. Reidy met but will follow up with Mr. Cilley on 12/2/21-Superintendent DePatsy, Ms. Reidy and Mr. Cilley reviewed the ongoing list of needs for the school. Mr. Cilley gave an update on the air exchangers, bus, budget items, roof, and shed.
Region 8- None
Magnet –None
Finance- Superintendent DePatsy reviewed the Proposed Budget Developmental Timeline linked above during the School Work Board Workshop on the 2022-2023 School Budget. The School Board Provided input and added a time to meet with the town manager and town chair of selectmen to discuss the budget. In addition, requests above directives were mentioned such as: Responsive Classroom training, math curricula, more Quicksilvers, additional fuel and propane costs based on current state of affairs in the US, and added money to contracted service lines.
Policy/Personnel Policy Meeting 11/2/21 ICS Policy Committee Work Session
Superintendent DePatsy, Ms. Reidy, and Ms. Dove reviewed the minutes for the two policy meetings and the A’s Foundations and Basic Commitments should be done by January. Next up will be the B’s School Board Governance and Management and then the committee will move into J’s which is about students.
Did not meet
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:42PM this was seconded by Ms. Reidy. No discussion 4-0 in favor.
School Board Workshop on the Budget 1/6/21 @ 4:30 pm
Budget Timeline 2022-2023 .docx
1/6/22 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:35 PM by Mr. Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy via Zoom.
II. Approval of 12/2/21 Board Meeting Minutes
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve the December 2, 2021 School Board minutes and Ms. Reidy seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
Ist read for:
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve policies ACAA, ADC, ACAB, ACAB-R, ACAD, AD, ADA, ADAA,
JLF, JLF-R, JLFA for a first read. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed
4-0 and will go for a second read.
2nd read for:
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve policy JKD, ACAA-R, ACA, AC, AC-R, and AEC for a first
read. Ms. Dove seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed 4-0.
VII. New Business
Budget Discussions were done at the budget workshop prior to the meeting.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Current enrollment is 84 students. 22 Elementary, 21 Middle School, 41 High School Students (21 Magnet Students).2nd quarter/1st semester ends Jan. 28, report cards for grades 6-12 will be in the mail about a week after that The Magnet Committee is being reformed and will (hopefully) meet this month.The elementary team is evaluating a few different math programs and will be piloting a new one for the second half of the year. We are starting to gather information to create a schedule for next year. We will have two snow days before calling inclement weather days remote days. The CDC and DOE have made updates to recommendations for Covid exposures and positive cases, the new guidelines are less strict than we might want to be as a school. We have experienced some disruption and uncertainty due to Covid. We do our best to adapt and overcome in real time. Anticipating what Covid will do next makes it challenging to plan for things in advance.
We continue to work the ‘22-’23 Superintendent’s Budget, Special Education Audit, and continue to make sure
Islesboro Central School is safe with COVID protocols that keep changing. We continue to work on policy,
facility challenges, and curriculum.
An update on Athletics was provided by Ms. Wuori
Committee Reports
Facility –Did not meet
Region 8- Students are signing up for second semester courses
Magnet – Will meeting in the near future
Finance- We continue to have a budget workshop prior to the School Board Meeting.
Policy/Personnel- Policy continues to meet and update current 1st time read policies
Curriculum – Principal Legere will pull together a team to look at proposed additional programs for budget.
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:25PM this was seconded by Ms. Reidy. No discussion 4-0 in favor.
2/3/22 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Mr. Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy.
II. Approval of 1/6/22 Board Meeting Minutes
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve the December 2, 2021 School Board minutes and Ms. Reidy seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
Ist read for:
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the J’s listed in one blanket motion. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and there was a small discussion around cleaning up some of the MSMA info and red lined language.
2nd read for:
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve ACAA, ADC, ACAB, ACAB-R, ACAD, ADA,ADF, JLF, JLF-R, JLFA. In
addition Ms. Reidy asked to table AD and ADAA in order to fix wording in some of the policies. Discussion
ensued around the policy committee and how they are working through several policies and now will focus on
student policies. Motion passed 4-0 in favor.
VII. New Business
Superintendent DePatsy reviewed the budget timeline and also discussed how Chair Dyer and the
Superintendent met with the town councilors and reviewed the preliminary budget. They had some questions
but overall we are happy with the 2% increase as of now.
Superintendent DePatsy went over the budget process and then reviewed the entire budget with the School
Board. Superintendent DePatsy answered questions from the Board and then reviewed the RAD’s (Requests
Above Directive) which included the following:
The School Board will continue to review the proposed budget and RADS and will come back to finalize the
budget on March 3rd and will have public comment on the budget. March 10th will be the final vote prior to the
Town. Superintendent DePatsy also asked to add in a greater % for hourly employees and also to provide some
vacation days to help our employees during the lean months of winter and school breaks.
Graduation Date Change
Principal Legere asked the School Board to change Graduation from Sunday June 12 to Saturday June 11 due
to having families come out on Saturday and enjoy the celebrations vs. Sunday where families have to return to
work or travel home. The School Board approved the change and Principal Legere will notify families.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Enrollment is 84 total students, with 21 magnet students.Covid has taken up much of our time and energy.
We had an outbreak which totaled 19 positive cases between January 11 and the 28th. We had two days o remote
learning for all students in grades 8-12 and then had two weeks where remote was optional for students in
grades 6-12. Having remote learning offered as an option allowed parents to make the best decision for their
own households. While the 8-12 students were remote, the K-7 students celebrated Martin Luther King Jr Day by attending the 2-3 class’ march for civil rights through the halls. The elementary and middle school teachers have received training in a new math curriculum called Ready Math which they are piloting this spring. The walk-in broke down after the storm and has since been repaired, Pete Anderson handled this unexpected setback very well. The internet is also broken which serves as a blunt reminder of how dependent upon it we are at school for record keeping, communication, instruction, research, independent work, and printing. The problem lies with the routers and access points throughout the building. We have received new equipment and are awaiting a technician to install them. By now we have ethernet cables set up around the building for teachers and students to use which will get us through.
Superintendent DePatsy discussed the Special Education audit and how we have sent in some transition plans
for the DOE to review. On May 12th, the DOE will come and review documentation and work through the
process with us. Superintendent DePatsy reviewed the budget process and COVID information from the DOE.
There is a push around the State to take the masks off children, as the long term effects of wearing the mask are
impacting children learning to read, acquire speech and language skills, and above all social emotional skills.
Ms. Wuori was not present but Principal Legre discussed that there were some great basketball games with both
both the boys and the girls.
Committee Reports
There was no meeting as the recommendations for the facility are infused into the budget under RADS.
Region 8
There was no report but the calendar for Region 8 will be out soon which will impact our secondary
level classes.
The Magnet Committee will meet next month.
Finance Committee has not met but the School Board as a whole acts as the Finance
Committee for the budget.
Policy/Personnel- Policy worksession Jan 26 2022.docx
The Policy Committee has met and seen minutes for details. They are working hard to update all the
policies by the end of the year.
The curriculum committee will meet in the near future
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:25PM this was seconded by Mr. Purdy. No discussion 4-0 in favor.
3/3/22 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair. Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Kate Legere, (Principal), Sally McDonough, (Finance Director) and Skye Purdy.
II. Approval of 2/3/22 Board Meeting Minutes
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the February 3rd, 2022 School Board minutes and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
In public session, a parent asked the School Board to consider going to mask optional like other schools in the area.
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
Ist read for:
JFAB-R Admission of Non-Resident Students – Administrative Procedures
Policy JFCK – Student Use of Cellular Phones and Other Personal Devices at School
Policy JRA-E Annual Notice of Student Records and Information Rights
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the J’s listed in one blanket motion. The motion was seconded
by Ms. Dove and there was no discussion. 4-0 in favor.
2nd read for:
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the J’s listed in one blanket motion. The motion was seconded
by Ms. Dove and there was a small discussion around cleaning up and editing to make sure they look
presentable for posting.
VII. New Business
The School Board reviewed the Annual budget again and a few questions were asked of Ms.
McDonough. Discussion ensued about the RADs or Requests above Directive.
The School Board Discussed each of the RADs and determined to put 5 vacation days into the budget for hourly employees. They also approved the Outdoor Education Teacher additional quarter time to help with our outdoor education program, especially with the hopeful end of the Pandemic. The roof will be put off after the Superintendent and Facilities Director applies for the revolving fund at the DOE. The fence or boundary will be done within this year’s budget and will be part of the new playground when built. The pointing will be part of next year’s budget and the stage curtain will be purchased with this year’s monies. The Tree Clean-Up will come out of next year’s budget thus be added into this budget. However, the phone system will be done this year and out of the current budget. Summer Garden help will be added into the budget.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
The week before February vacation we had a spirit week, many students participated and seemed to enjoy it. We are happy to have two new substitutes on our sub roster. The leadership team helped create a draft calendar for SY 22-23, I have passed on to the Teachers Association for their input. The junior class is planning some traditional fundraisers coming up. The middle school is going to see a musical performance by Elena Moon Park at the Strand in Rockland tomorrow, and will have time to bowl a few frames in Rockport before returning to school. The design for the playground is finished, it is now time to figure out next steps. We had an unplanned early dismissal on Tuesday of this week due to the fact that there was no water in the building. Thankfully the problem was fixed quickly. ICS PE students in grades 8 and up will be using the fitness center at the ICC for the next few months as part of their PE program. The boys varsity basketball team finished their season at Augusta over February vacation. The girls varsity basketball team will be playing against the middle school team soon, date and time TBA.
The Superintendent discussed the state of the school which is going great. People are doing multiple roles but
keeping the students first. Superintendent DePatsy talked about the Special Education Audit in May Masking
will be discussed under other business.
Ms. Wuori discussed the recent championship games for basketball and also the start of the track and field
Committee Reports
Facility- None will meet next Thursday, Mar 10, 2022 at noon.
Region 8- Minutes Jan_26_2022
Magnet- No meeting but students will be visiting the school on March 11, 2022.
Finance- Finance is the entire School Board who has been working on the Budget.
Policy/Personnel-Policy Committee continues to work on, edit, and review policies. More coming your way.
Curriculum- No meeting
IX. Other Business
Masks- Islesboro Central School will be following the Maine CDC and DOE recent recommendation of
optional masking in schools beginning Wednesday, March 9, 2022. We would also like to take this opportunity to express our tremendous gratitude for the staff of our schools who are committed to the education and well-being of our students and who have worked diligently and creatively to make learning as enjoyable and productive as possible during this pandemic. Please thank them for their efforts when you have a chance.
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:25PM this was seconded by Mr. Purdy. No discussion 4-0 in
3/10/22 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:37 PM by Mr. Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Sally Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy via Zoom.
II.. Public Session & Public Comment on the Islesboro School Department’s 2022-2023 Budget
III. Vote on 2022-2023 Islesboro School Budget Annual Budget 2022-2023 Second Draft Completed 3-7-22.docx
The School Board reviewed the 2022-23 school budget that was presented and discussed on 3/3/22. Discussion
ensued around the RADs that were added to the budget on 3/3/22. Ms. McDonough stated the budget is at 2.7%
with additional RADS. Other questions were asked about the individual lines and a motion was made by Chair
Dyer to accept the 2022-2023 budget and move it to the town for final vote and seconded by Ms. Dove. Discussion ensued around the timeline for voting on the budget. Vote 4-0 in favor.
IV. Other Business
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:25PM this was seconded by Mr. Purdy. No discussion 4-0 in
4/7/21 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Sally Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy.
II. Approval of Minutes 3/3/22 Board Meeting Agenda & 3/10/22 Board Meeting Agenda
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the March 3rd, 2022 School Board minutes and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the March 10th, 2022 School Board minutes and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
1st read for:
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the policies listed under first reads in one blanket motion. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and there was no discussion. 4-0 in favor.
2nd read for :
JFAB-R Admission of Non-Resident Students – Administrative Procedures
Policy JFCK – Student Use of Cellular Phones and Other Personal Devices at School
Policy JRA-E Annual Notice of Student Records and Information Rights
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the policies except policy JJI and JICF listed under second reads in one
blanket motion. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and discussion ensued around getting more input on these two policies. 4-0 in favor.
VII. New Business
The School Board reviewed the 2022-2023calendar and wanted to table the vote to give more time receive and
provide input on next year’s calendar.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Since the last school committee meeting we were able to have the middle school vs.
girls varsity basketball game, junior class dinner on St. Patrick’s Day and the winter sports banquet. Masking has been optional for about a month, we are keeping our weekly sentinel testing for the time being. The Health Center will be holding a vaccine clinic at the Kinnicutt Center next Wednesday, April 14 from 2:30-4:30. High school students have visited Maine Maritime Academy and Midcoast School of Technology. The leadership team has started work on building the master schedule for next year-which is not a simple process for a K-12 school with shared space and staff. Tracey Wuori arranged for the 4th and 5th grade class to travel to the Camden Y for swim lessons once a week for six weeks, this started back on March 22 and the students have really enjoyed this opportunity. The K-3 students are also having swim lessons, at the Belfast Y, through the town rec department. These lessons are weekly for eight weeks, the first lesson was today. Renee Miller noticed there were some students in the 4th and 5th grade class with an affinity for pickleball and offered an after school pickleball session for a few weeks just for this group. The author Lauren Wolk is visiting on April 11, 2022 through the Island Readers and Writers organization. She will be doing a workshop with students in Betha Howell’s 4th and 5th grade and Peter DiLalla’s 6th and 7th grade ELA classes. Also next week students in 4th through 8th grade will be attending the Girls conference in Waterville. Spring sports, including middle school and varsity track, tennis and sailing have started and with a few days of nice weather the overall mood in the building has elevated. We are currently advertising for custodians and bus drivers
Superintendent DePatsy reviewed where the current budget is as of April. Ms. McDonough reported that things
look good budget wise and should end up well in June. There will be a Special Education Audit with the DOE
coming onsite on May 12th to review records and programming. To fix the roof we will not be able use the DOE
Revolving Fund due to fixing roofs is not allowable. The facilities committee will review options and bring back
to the School Board. The School Board recommended to have Mr. Ciley to get three quotes and contact certain
members of the Island Community.
Athletics was covered under the Principal’s report
Committee Reports
Facility Facilities 3/10/22
Facility will meet on May 5th at 12 noon to discuss the playground, roof, and other items
Region 8 Feb_16_2022.doc
Superintendent DePatsy reviewed the Region 8 update.
Principal Legere stated that there is a new student applying to the Magnet School and there are roughly 22 students enrolled as Magnet students next year.
Chair Dyer explained that the budget will be going to the town meeting in May.
Policy/Personnel Policy Work Session – March 24, 2022
Ms. Reidy reviewed the minutes from the policy work session and the ongoing work.
Mr. Purdy, Ms. Dove, Ms. Legere will be setting up a meeting to discuss the new curriculum
being proposed called responsive classroom for K-8. That will be the school’s main focus next
IX. Other Business
Ms. Reidy made a motion to accept articles 3-25 to go to the town for approval at the May/June town budget
meeting. Mr. Purdy seconded the motion. No discussion. 4-0 approved.
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:28 PM this was seconded by Mr. Purdy. No discussion 4-0 in
6/2/22 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Sally Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy.
II Adjustment to the Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes 4/7/22 Board Meeting Agenda
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the April 7th, 2022 School Board minutes and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
Ms. Howell asked to speak to the School Board about the field trip to Warren Island. This is typically an annual
trip but they have not done so since the pandemic. She discussed what she will be doing those days which would
be outdoor activities. The School Board did not vote on this field trip but voiced that this is the type of
expeditionary outdoor education that they would like to see in the future.
V. Public Session
Mr. Conover asked if the School Board could waive the nepotism policy so he could run for school board. The
School Board discussed the request and there is a clause in the policy that allows the School Board to allow a
School Board member to run if they have a relative that works for the school system. The School Board allowed
this and did not need a vote.
VI. Unfinished Business
1st read for:
EEAEAA-R – Drug And Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers – Administrative Procedure
ECB – Pest Management in School Facilities And On School Grounds
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the policies listed under first reads in one blanket motion. The
motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and there was no discussion. 4-0 in favor.
2nd read for :
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the policies except policy JJI and JICF listed under second
reads in one blanket motion. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and discussion ensued around
getting more input on these two policies. 4-0 in favor.
VII. New Business
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve the 2022-23 Calendar.. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and no discussion ensued. 4-0 in favor.
Probationary Teacher Contract Approvals
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve Ann Matava and Cheryl Morin. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Purdy and no discussion ensued. 4-0 in favor.
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve the resignations. The motion was seconded by Ms. Reidy and no
discussion ensued. 4-0 in favor.
Expedituress in a Cost Center that May Exceed the Amount Authorized
Ms. Ready made a motion to allow the Superintendent to move less than 5% of overages in a cost
center to other cost centers. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and no discussion ensued. 4-0 in
Principal Contract
The School Board tabled the Principal Contract u until the 6/23 School Board Meeting.
Superintendent Contract
The School Board tabled the Superintendent Contract u until the 6/23 School Board Meeting.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Covid cases have cropped up since April break-there have been 5 school-related cases since returning from
vacation on April 25. The junior class and Mr. Oldham put on a very enjoyable musical cabaret on April 14,
the K-12 spring concert will be Thursday, May 12 in the Kinnicutt center. Spring sports are in full swing: varsity
and middle school track, sailing and club sports middle school and high school tennis. I attended the Maine
Principal’s Spring Conference last week in Rockport K-8 students enjoyed a presentation on owls on Monday,
May 2 given by staff from the Chewonki institute and arranged by 2-3 teacher Ms. Cheryl Students in grades
3-8 and 11 are taking the required NWEA in math, reading and language usage this month, and 5th, 8th and
11th graders are taking the required Maine science assessment. After a two year absence, the annual auction is
making a comeback on Saturday, May 14. It will be on a smaller scale than years past. The elementary students
continue to enjoy their weekly swim lessons for a few more weeks It is interview season-we have PE and English
interviews coming up, advertising for the middle school position as well as regretfully Mr. DiLalla is moving on.
Still seeking custodians and bus drivers.
Superintendent DePatsy discussed the special education audit and how we are on target to end the year in the
No athletic update
Committee Reports
There was no facility meeting this month but will need to circle back in the near future and
look Items to work on over the summer.
Region 8 Mar_23_2022 (1)
Superintendent DePatsy discussed that the cost share of Region 8 will be going up this year
No update
No finance meeting but the Town meeting will be on June 4th
Policy/Personnel ICS Policy Work session April 27, 2022
Policies were reviewed above
No Meeting for curriculum
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:28 PM this was seconded by Mr. Purdy. No discussion 4-0 in
Islesboro Central School Department
School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 2, 2021—6:15
Virtual Link
Public is asked to attend via internet link
Call to Order and Roll Call
Nakomis Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:15.
SB members present: Nakomis Nelson (NN), Skylar Purdy (SP), Dave Dyer (DD), Melissa Jagger (MJ) and Bill Kelly (BK). Others in attendance; Superintendent Chris Downing, Head of School Chuck Hamm (HoS), Becky Bolduc, Becky Nightingale Johns, Betha Howell, Cindy Gorham, Dave Petzel, Ellen McDonald RN, James Kossuth, Jennifer Bailey, John Gorham, Josh Conover, Judy Smith, Julie Reidy, Karen Betts, Kate Legere, Kiki Lockwood, Kizzi Nelson, Kristen Kelley, Laura Read, Lindsay Dakers, Matthew Kraskiewicz, Nancy Climo, Matthew Calderwood, Melissa Burns, Peggy Shea, Pete Anderson, Philo Hutcheson, Renee Miller, Robert McHugh, Shamus Dove, Sylvia Randlett, TJ Reap, Zachariah Conover, and several unknown phone numbers.
Approval of Agenda / Adjustments to the Agenda
Nakomis requested that “Elementary schedule” be added to unfinished business.
NN motioned to approve agenda as amended, DD seconds, all in favor.
Approval of Minutes
Melissa Jagger requested an amendment to Jan 5 minutes to reflect her presence. HoS noted the change, NN moves to approve minutes as amended, MJ seconds, all in favor.
Correspondence – None, although it was mentioned by SB members that they are hearing directly from their constituents.
Presentations – Chess Team – Chess Coach TJ Reap reviewed the growing interest in chess at ICS. He went on to outline competitions with Bonny Eagle and Camden schools. Presently, 30% of ICS students are engaged in chess, either online or in person or both.
Open Session – No comments from attendees.
Chair – NN noted the ICS Lead Team’s proposal of rescheduling options for students as well as a mention of elementary possibly attending five days a week soon.
Head of School – HoS outlined some of the wonderful progress being seen lately. He pointed out the success of the chess team, grants from various sources, purchase of another van through CRF monies, and closed by praising staff with a mention of Melissa Burns being nominated as Administrator of the year.
Superintendent – No additional points.
Committee Reports
Facility – Continued concern re: roof, exterior pointing of masonry, and the need to refinish the gym floor.
Region 8
Magnet – None
Athletics – None
Leadership Team – None
Curriculum – None
Unfinished Business: Cohort scheduling, Selling Volvo and Ford van
HoS outlines results from polling families. With some shifting of students and giving families their choice between attendance of four full days in person, four full days remote, or continue with cohorting two days a week, we have five more students attending in person on any given day. The change would begin March 8th. Leadership Team and HoS recommend ICS adopt the new schedule. Attending Mondays for elementary students is still being researched with a poll ready to go out to parents.
NN moves to accept the HoS and Leadership Team’s proposal, MJ seconds; discussion ensues. DD asks if families will be locked in. HoS replies, yes, this needs to be a commitment if it is to work. However, if students request attending two days rather than four days, we can easily accommodate. A request, after initiationt, to attend four days from either of the two other options, will require Leadership Team approval. BK requests SB members to consider beginning sooner highlighting recent findings of stress and anxiety on the rise among students nationwide. BK continues to urge us to begin the new schedule immediately. Peggy Shea expresses appreciation of the Lead Team, hourly staff, parents and HoS while voicing disappointment of SB in their efforts to start a new schedule prior to Lead Team’s recommended timeline. More discussion with NN recommending waiting until after break. BK moves to amend the motion to include beginning immediately after break, SP seconds, NN abstains, BK votes Yea, MJ, DD, SP vote Nay. The motion does not carry. MJ moves to amend and accept the proposal with a start date of March 1st. SP seconds, all in favor.
Elementary Schedule: MJ begins by stating she has heard from many island families in support of attending five days a week. NN acknowledges the fear and anxiety associated with COVID-19 weighed against the obligation to have elementary students attend five days. He adds his willingness to meet with E-Team to discuss the option. Some discussion among SB continued with a possibility of transitioning March 1st. BK underscores the data which supports in person learning for students as the risk of transmission is proving to be extremely low. NN suggests a special school board meeting after a poll is administered to parents. Further discussion led the SB to forgo a poll as they feel they have heard from the community and feel confident in calling for a vote. NN moves to begin elementary students on a five day schedule, beginning February 22nd, BK seconds, SB discussion ensues. SB continues to weigh pros and cons. Becky Bolduc interjects, citing concerns re: families not following travel safety protocols. All in favor of adopting Monday attendance in a five day week attendance for elementary students to begin February 22nd.
Volvo and old van – The van is presently being utilized and will be up for bids soon. One bid came in for the Volvo. Shamus Dove bid $458. NN moves to accept the bid as is, where is, MJ seconds, all in favor.
Other Business: Budget – HoS reports that budget workshops will be a focus as we head into the next few months. NN notes his preference to hold meetings in person as soon as we can. HoS continues to report another opportunity to apply for COVID Relief Funds (CRF) under the transportation line. ICS currently qualifies for a grant of $31,000 that may be applied to the purchase of another van. HoS points to the very real need to have two vans given the pandemics’ transportation restrictions. NN moves to approve the purchase of another van, similar to the one recently purchased, within the funding amount of the CRF grant. SB discussion included the request to keep the cost at or below the grant and to find one with easily washed seating. DD seconds the motion with all in favor.
New Business: CRF funds and an additional van – This item has already been discussed. (see above)
Adjournment DD moves to adjourn at 7:45, NN seconds, all in favor.
Islesboro Central School Department
School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 2, 2021—6:15
Virtual Link
Public is asked to attend via internet link
Call to Order and Roll Call
Nakomis Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:15.
SB members present: Nakomis Nelson (NN), Skylar Purdy (SP), Dave Dyer (DD), Melissa Jagger (MJ) and Bill Kelly (BK). Others in attendance; Superintendent Chris Downing, Head of School Chuck Hamm (HoS), Becky Bolduc, Betha Howell, Blair Offen,
Josh Conover, Judy Smith, Julie Reidy, Karen Betts, Kiki Lockwood, Kizzi Nelson, Lindsay Dakers, Maggy Wilcox, Melissa Burns, Nicole Frank, Pete Anderson, Sonya Leach, Stephen Brinley, Vicki Conover, and several unknown phone numbers.
Approval of Agenda / Adjustments to the Agenda
Nakomis makes a motion to adjust the agenda to include the topic of HoS evaluation under New Business, second by Melissa, all in favor. NN moves to approve the agenda, second by DD, all in favor.
Approval of Minutes
MJ points to an error, motion to approve 02052021 minutes with minor edit, by MJ, second by NN, all in favor.
MJ motions to approve 01262021 Special School Board meeting minutes, NN second, all in favor.
Correspondence – None
Presentations – Semester at Sea – Nakomis spoke highly of the program, complimenting Lindsay Dakers for assisting two students, Dylan Frank and Tobias Conover, with funding and the application process.
Open Session – NN commented that perhaps Open Session should be moved to later in the agenda or open the meeting up for public discussion as needed. BK clarifies that the SB has discussions that are not for public participation.
Chair – Nakomis spoke briefly about the many positive aspects and opportunities that are ahead of us. He remains optimistic that things will return to normal soon.
Head of School – CH reported out on the possibility of vaccines being administered to educational staff soon. The Kinnicutt Center has been used to administer the first round of vaccines to the over 70 group of people on island. HoS went on to point out that students are taking advantage of many opportunities outside of school and remains optimistic that staff will see vaccines very soon.
Superintendent – Supt. Downing reviewed recent DOE and CDC discussions. He went on to recommend developing another reopening committee to strategize getting back to in person school.
Committee Reports
Facility – The facilities Committee will be meeting next week.
Region 8 – None
Magnet – The Magnet committee is meeting next week.
Athletics Basketball scrimmages have been spotty but very rewarding. New soccer goal posts and nets are being delivered soon.
Leadership Team – None
Curriculum – None
Unfinished Business: CRF application for an additional van has been filed and approved. Further board discussion re: the budget and whether or not to maintain the nurse position next year. HoS recommends we continue with four days a week and has included it in the budget. BK agrees given the uncertainties that lie ahead. HoS read a list of accomplishments and initiatives presently taking place under the nurse’s direction.
Other Business: Budget – A recent draft has been shared with board members and plans to hold a budget workshop for March 10th have been agreed upon. The draft budget comes in at 2.65% over last year’s.
New Business: HoS evaluation – NN describes a survey, with available space for comments, be distributed to staff in paper form to ensure anonymity. Some discussion continued re: options. Nakomis opens the meeting to the public for comments. Betha Howell brought up concerns with the facility and heating. She also invited SB members to join the playground committee. Julie Reidy, in regards to HoS evaluation, commented that there was already a procedure in place for evaluations of administrators. NN thanked her for the recommendation to look into that. MJ asked about a four day option and teacher readiness. HoS assured her that staff were adapting well. MJ continued to say she was in the building today and that she was impressed with the way things looked.
Adjournment – NN moves top adjourn at 7:25, DD seconds, all in favor.
Islesboro Central School Department
School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, April 6, 2021—6:15
Virtual Link
Public is asked to attend via internet link
Call to Order and Roll Call
Nakomis Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:15.
SB members present: Nakomis Nelson (NN), Skylar Purdy (SP), Dave Dyer (DD), Melissa Jagger (MJ) and Bill Kelly (BK). Others in attendance; Superintendent Chris Downing, Head of School Chuck Hamm (HoS), Becky Bolduc, Becky NightingaleJohns, Betha Howell, Charlie Cilley, Lindsay Dakers, Matthew Kraskiewics, Melissa Burns, Nancy Climo, Peggy Shea, Pate Anderson, Randall Ward, Elana Kehoe, Ellen McDonald, Eric Kormann, Fred Porter, James Kossuth, Jennifer Bailey, Jesse Burns, Josh Conover, Joshua Leach, Renee Miller, Rob McHugh, Sonya Leach, Sylvia Randlett, Sara Babbige, Vicki Conover, Virgilea Hamm, and several participants with unknown numbers.
Approval of Agenda / Adjustments to the Agenda
Nakomis makes a motion to adjust the agenda to include the topic of the Administration proposed plan to expand to a five day schedule. MJ seconds, all in favor. NN moves to accept agenda as amended, MJ seconds, all in favor.
Approval of Minutes
MJ moves to accept agenda as written, NN seconds, all in favor.
Correspondence – Arla Casselman
NN moves to reluctantly accept Arla’s resignation, MJ seconds, all in favor.
Presentations – ICS Virtual Tour. HoS presents a video showcasing ICS
Chair – Nakomis reminds us of the value of a positive attitude and urges people to take the high road and consider the greater environment and atmosphere.,
Head of School – HoS highlights COVID, vaccinations, remote learning, and graduation on the horizon. Another slightly used ;passenger van has been added to the transportation department.
Superintendent – Supt. Downing reviews recent information regarding vaccinations and DOE ED 279 being finalized very soon.
Committee Reports
Facility _ Facilities continue to focus on the exterior envelope of the school grounds, emptying the barn this summer, developing trails, and gym floor this summer.
Region 8 – No report
Magnet – There is uptick in Magnet interest. We currently have eight applicants.
Athletics – Athletics reports ongoing efforts to expand opportunities for students with the lifting of some constraints. New soccer goals need installation.
Leadership Team – The Leadership Team is meeting on May 14th for an all day workshop focused on reentry of school in the fall as well as their specific, evolving roles.
Curriculum Curriculum has been a focus of meetings between HoS and Korah Soll, ICS facilitator. The Curriculum Committee is meeting April 27th.
Nurse – Ellen RN reported the successful containment of our latest COID cases among the school population. She also informed us of the availability of vaccines for people over 16 years of age beginning next week.
Open Session – Discussion regarding the following topics; ICS website and SB packet availability concerns brought up my Julie Riedy, Frank Start questions the present leadership structure compared to what he believed was agreed upon, particularly the absence of a Dean of Students, Sara Babbige inquired about graduation planning, Region 8, and in person school, Sara Randlett pointed out successes of remote students, Meagan Randlett gave critique of missed memo outlining the plan after April break, Bill Kelly, Frank Start, Dr. Ward, Sarah Babbige, Julie Riedy, Randall Ward,and Josh Conover, sustained a discussion regarding the pros and cons of remote learning versus in person schooling.
Unfinished Business: Sealed bids for van; Josh Leach for $251.99, Blake Oliver for $1,111, Elana Kehoe for $1,150, and Penobscot Air for $3,0001. Van is awarded to Penobscot Air. HoS evaluation; Nakomis will distribute the evaluation form to all staff with a prepaid envelope addressed to him. BMJ moves to accept HoS evaluation form as written with one minor edit, DD seconds, all in favor. Executive Session is planned for the May meeting, to discuss HoS evaluation.
Other Business: Hiring update. HoS reports several positions are available, including part time driver, part time librarian, and a World Language Teacher, pending acceptance of Kate Legere to the ⅔ classroom position.
New Business:
2/3 Classroom Teacher Position, Nomination of Kate Legere; After a brief discussion MJ nominates Kate Legere as next year’s ⅔ classroom teacher, NN seconds the motion, all in favor.
Further discussion regarding posting for World Languages instead of a particular language. Spanish was agreed upon as the preferred language, however, the right candidate would be considered along with that person’s strengths. All languages will be considered and the position will continue to be advertised as World Language Teacher.
EF Tours travel vouchers – HoS reached out to EF Tours and acquired several helpful links for the class of 2020. All information has been shared with those graduates.
Further discussion ensued regarding families who might petition for remote learning in light of the administration proposal to begin attending school for five days. The proposal encompasses the return of grades 6-12 to a five day week schedule while maintaining the staggered starts and releases. HoS will decide with input from the nurse, SPED as warranted, and counselors, as to whether or not a request to attend remotely will be allowed. An accompanying physician’s note or quarantining remains the two reasons a student would continue with options including remote, asynchronously, packets, websites, and Google docs. Noted; this decision is not taken lightly, however, the SB, administration, and staff are in agreement to begin bringing students back while maintaining all CDC and DOE recommendations. MJ motioned to accept the proposal as outlined, BK seconds, all in favor.
MJ moves to adjourn at 8:19, NN seconds, all in favor.
Islesboro Central School Department
School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, May 4, 2021—6:15
Live meeting
Public is asked to attend via internet link
Call to Order and Roll Call Nakomis Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:15.
SB members present: Nakomis Nelson (NN), Skylar Purdy (SP), Dave Dyer (DD), Melissa Jagger (MJ) and Bill Kelly (BK). Others in attendance; Superintendent Chris Downing, Head of School Chuck Hamm (HoS), Elana Kehoe, Erick Jagger, Jacquie, James Kossuth, Janice Leach, Jennifer Bailey, Jesse Burns, John Van Dis, Judy Smith, Karen betts, Kiki Lockwood, Kristen Kelley, Laura Reed, Melissa Burns, Peggy Shea, Rachel Rollerson-Smith, Renee Miller, and Julie Reidy,
Approval of Agenda / Adjustments to the Agenda NN moves to adjust the agenda to reflect pushing HoS evaluation until the June meeting. MJ seconds, all in favor.
Approval of Minutes
NN moves to accept both 03062021 minutes and the 04122021
Special School Board Minutes DD seconds with all in favor.
Correspondence – Jesse Burns, Kristen kelley, and Chris Morris-resignations
Discussion regarding the high quality of each staff member resigning at this time. NN moves to reluctantly accept all three resignations, MJ seconds, all in favor.
Chair – Nakomis admits to it being a whirlwind of a month with frequent check-ins with HoS, as often as daily. The transition to a five day schedule appears to be going well.
Head of School – HoS acknowledges the hard work of all staff during this week of Staff Appreciation. HoS reviews COVID vaccinations, no spread at school, and a smooth transition to five days a week attendance.
Superintendent – Supt. Downing outlines recent mask mandates re: outside.
Committee Reports
Facility – Facilities meeting did not meet.
Region 8 – John Gorham sends his regrets that he was not able to attend the recent Region 8 meetings. He is confident he can continue as their representative in the future.
Magnet – The Magnet Committee has been interviewing students and has nine applicants at this time. Four new students have been sent acceptance letters.
Athletics – Tracey Wouri reports spring activity with tennis, track and field, and sailing.
Leadership Team – The Leadership Team will be meeting for an all day workshop on May 14th. Planning to end the school year on a positive note is underway.
Curriculum – The Curriculum Committee met on April 27th to briefly discuss the plan to collate and collect all curricula on the PD day of May 14th.
Nurse – None
Open Session
Other Business: Hiring update- Openings advertised on include Bus Driver, Custodian, ELA, SPED, World Language, and Anticipated School Counselor. Review/approve 21/22 calendar MJ moves to approve the proposed 21/22 SY calendar as presented, NN seconds with all in favor.
New Business: New Business: MJ moves to accept all nominations, NN seconds with all in favor.
Nominations for teachers for SY21-22 subject to budget approval.
Continuing Contract
Becky Bolduc
Jon Bolduc
Elizabeth Howell
Kristen Kelley
Katherine Legere
Robert McHugh
Renee Miller
Christopher Morris
John Oldham
Probationary Teachers year 3
(would move to Continuing Contract)
Peter DiLalla
John Van Dis
Probationary Teachers year 2
(would move to Continuing Contract)
Lindsay Dakers
Probationary Teacher year 1
Peggy Shea
TJ Reap
Karin Lockwood
Ouda Baxter
Adjournment: NN moves to adjourn at 6:36, SP seconds with all in favor.
JUNE 3, 2021
I) Called to order by Chair Nakomis at 6:17 pm – Board members present by roll call – Nakomis Nelson, Melissa Jagger, Skylar Prudy, BillKelley, Dave Dyer
II) Motion to accept agenda by Nakomis and seconded by Skylar Vote: Unanimous
III) Motion to approve the May 4th minutes by Nakomis and seconded by Melissa Vote: Unanimous
IV) Letters – Superintendent announced the resignations of Head of School Chuck Hamm and ICS School Nurse Ellen McDonald – Motion to accept both resignations by Melissa and seconded by Skylar Vote: Unanimous
V) Reports:
A. Chair recognized and thank the efforts of Judy Smith, Grades 2 – 3 for the 2020 -0 2021; Chair turned the floor over to Melissa, Melissa read her letter of resignation from the school board effective June 3; Melissa explained the voting process for write – in candidates and conformation with Town Manager Janet Anderson. Bill recognized Melissa for her dedicated service – all agreed.
B. Head of School – no report
C. Superintendent – Recognized and thanked Judy Smith on behalf of ICS staff and that students have benefited from her dedicated work and exciting results from the students. DOE has not released any official guidance for the 2021 – 2022 school year; the requirements are under review and the Governor will be putting forth information but nothing official as of yet; speculations on social distancing and maybe others will be changing but Superintendents are awaiting information on masks; will continue to monitor and provide; Superintendents are in a holding pattern on requirements, DOE reviewing and vast majority of school systems are looking 5 days in person for 2021 – 2022 and remote to medically fragile; vaccinations for 2021 – 2022 school year has received no official direction; we are in a holding pattern but more and more looking at returning to normal whatever normal is but students will be able to get back the education and having fun. Any questions ?
Bill – Anything specific regarding athletics ? – Chris – Back to a regular fall schedule including football
Chris has requested a special board meeting for Tuesday, 6 June 2021 at 6 pm to discuss the restructure of the administration at ICS; will be conducted like tonight’s meeting – Chris will be present and provide a plan before the meeting with recommendations – Chair checked on board members availability – scheduled for 6 June 2021 at 6 pm
D. Committee Reports:
3. (only) – Melissa present a report on Magnet Program: Four letters of acceptance; open to all grades; and twointerviews scheduled and interviews are on going; strong candidates
VI) Open Session – Christine wanted to thank Judy as well and clarification on Magnet grade level – still 6 – 12
VII) Other Business – Hiring Update – under New Business – # 9 VIII) New Business:
A.) Bill introduced on behalf of the Class of 2020; did not go on their senior trip; therefore negotiations with EF Tours and $ 900 travel vouchers for each member of the class and credit towards any EF tour until Fall of 2022, class not getting back together is more probable ; different plans going forward and questions on use of vouchers and funds of $ 26,251.67 remaining from trip fund raisers and donations. Need lead time to register for tours and costs of tours; variety of educational opportunities including college level. Proposal – equally distribute to the students, let them find their tours, recognized insulting twice – their initial trip was cancelled and depending on what the-board does may not have a chance to benefit from a selected tour; I am not in favor of this and folks and parents feel that it is appropriate disposition of the funds and that the students have the opportunity to take an independent tour- general outline and what I would propose for the remaining funds.
Nakomis – struggle with cash payment; school holds the dollars; vouchers would come to school and request for tour cost. Voucher and costs to EF Tours. Struggle with the funds raised.
Skylar – question on using
Nakomis – sunset in to other classes.
Melissa – individual or group – money go back and students plan their tours.
Bill – dollars not restricted to EF Tours, dollars for enrichment or per college interest and tour; more options; per individual; not just EF Tours – more amendable for students’ decisions
Nakomis – optics for distribution; expectations and no face value of vouchers do the vouchers expire, option for college trip, enrichment
Bill – tour and plan as well as cost of trip- students put effort forth to raise funds Nakomis – donations were provided for the trip extension beyond 2022 ??
Nakomis – EF Tours vouchers are at $ 900 and valid through 9/22 & cash will remain in school for confirmed trips; other class trips; with a deadline to apply by 2/1/2022
Melissa – Questions on individual students being provided vouchers and cash – post secondary or vocational or educational experience
Nakomis – question if Bill could vote on the motion presented to Chris Chris – yes
Melissa – be specific at number – 9 or 10 students; solid company and do have a consensus on what the students want to do, chaperones needed
Bill – survived the pandemic; hope hot to delay
Nakomis – uncomfortable with no chaperones on a school sanctioned trip; paid for with ICS money, sunset of E Tours – cash will never sunset; students do not use vouchers; legit trip – funds are dispersed – many questions
Melissa – did not use EF Tours voucher – would lose
Dave – utilize for funds for books and college costs
Nakomis – would be a better option
Melissa – travel, broaden the horizons, trip, contributing to their educational experience, tuition, many things
Bill – make a good decisions, trip and enrichment
Nakomis – how much from this year’s class – $ 5000 for school and community
Melissa – hard time give from one class to another – dollars were raised for a trip – educational travel
Nakomis – first concern – the optics and other classes raising dollars may be an issue – what were the reasons for the dollars being raised
Motion by Bill and seconded by Skylar – return funds to the kids per proportion share and expected and encouraged for enrichment thru travel with EF Tours vouchers and enrichment, to the extent that it fits their schedule and otherwise leave it to the students to make the decision to the best ways to enrich themselves in the spirit in the way the funds were raised if not used by the end of the year – voucher to the Class of 2022
Discussion: Nakomis – checks written to another organization not students; Melissa – have other parents been part of the discussion – has the whole class, parents, advisors, a google meet for input, Dave would like to bear from other parents, Nakomis would like to hear from others involved in the fund raising; banter between individuals on chat will not be considered
Vote: Yes – Bill and Skylar No – Dave, Melissa, and Nakomis Motion – Fails
Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Bill to table to next meeting for further proposals
Discussion: Nakomis – meeting with others; will reach out to parents and others – Bill power to make decisions with students and board members discussion with parents and/or students to make decisions
Vote: Unanimous – will be placed on the July 6 agenda
B.) Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Melissa to transfer funds between articles up to 5% for FY 21 Vote: Unanimous
IX) Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Dave to approve Anne Matava for Foreign Language Vote: Unanimous
Background provided by Chris – excellent teacher, Mt. View, Belfast; and Bucksport; German
exchange program, good person, Melissa asked about French for students, teach how to learn and acquire another language
X) Motion to adjourn by Bill and seconded by Melissa at 7:03 pm Vote: Unanimous
JUNE 6, 2021
Present: Nakomis Nelson, Bill Kelley, Skylar Prudy at 6:17 pm, Dave Dyer – remote 1) Chair Nakomis called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
Note: Dave Dyer will be joining via zoom
2) Chair Nakomis announced that there is one item agenda:
Discussion on the new administration structure for ICS presented by Superintendent Downing
Superintendent, Principal, and Guidance Director meet on a regular schedule, would recommend 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. The Leadership Team would take a less active role; currently involved in decision making affecting peers thus a model of meet and consult with administrative team.
Nakomis – returned to board members for thoughts and comments:
Bill – last 20 minutes as board member but curious as to when Superintendent became unavailable ?
Chris – Checked in last week and again today with Chair of RSU # 20 regarding flexibility of being able to assist at ICS and was informed that RSU # 20 was full time – ICS would be searching at a prime time – retired Superintendents and Superintendents are looking for part time positions; many positions have been open, this is an opportunity to hire; 1 day per week for 50 to 48 weeks
Bill – Thanked Chris for the past two years and that Chris has been a steady hand on the tiller and that Bill would abstain from votes.
Nakomis – are these things we make motions on or Superintendent would do ?
Chris – Guidance yes on motion to approve – Procedure – Superintendent nominates, Board approves, Superintendent offers a contract
Nakomis – no obligation to advertise – legally for principal
Chris – should post internally – I would recommend Kate, qualified candidate within no need to advertise; post the positions
Nakomis – post the position, post on the bulletin board, make a motion
Chris – post the position and make a recommendation
Nakomis – Do we need to make a motion to advertise for Superintendent position ?
Chris – No motion needed – advertise on and place ad for superintendent tomorrow or even tonight
Dave – Thank you to Chris, looking over the plan, all for it – good solid foundation moving forward; nurse posting as well – needs to be figured in
Chris – addressed the fact administratively looked at other positions – in looking at the nurse position; position was increased this year, advertise for a position of 25 hours – post the position as 4 to 5 days per week at number of hours, point added that prior it was 15 days for the year, key point – when setting limits of hours therefore candidate pool decreases; recommend reducing a little bit as knowledge of potential issues down the road still unknown
Nakomis – approach the health Center; utilizing the 3 PA’s; increasing Superintendent and guidance only so many dollars
Chris – to answer Dave’s question – should be posted
Public – Julie Reidy – question on Superintendent search process – will there be a community member represented on the interview committee – yes was the answer with Nakomis noting that Head of School committee to hire with more involvement and Superintendent was board only – Superintendent pointed out last search was for 2 days per month ; policy – administration hiring would be the direction to follow
Nakomis – reviewed the meeting with Skyar – entered the meeting at 6:17 pm
Chris – one more item – districts give authority to the Superintendent to hire during the months of July] and August so that candidates are not lost
4) Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Dave – to increase the guidance director position to 210 days and position to be part of the administrative team
Discussion: Administrative team would be Superintendent – Principal – Guidance Director – Superintendent gave example, Skylar asked if leadership team would be decreased and administrative team actions would lead to meet and consult; group discussion versus single silo style and Bill stated that he would abstain from voting
Vote: Nakomis, Dave, and Skylar – YES and Bill – abstain Vote carries
5) Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Skylar – authorize Superintendent Chris Downing to hire the interim Principal for 2021 – 2022 based on suitable candidates
Discussion: regarding hiring of other positions during the summer months Vote: Nakomis, Dave, and Skylar – YES and Bill – abstain Vote carries
6) Motion by Nakomis and seconded by Skylar – authorize Superintendent Chris Downing to hire recommended candidates for positions during the summer months
Vote: Nakomis, Dave, and Skylar – YES and Bill – abstain Vote carries
7) Nakomis -thank you to Chris also Bill Kelley for the years on the board and the dedication and direction
8) Chris – Thank you to Board, staff and community for the opportunity to work with ICS and as always based on my philosophy placing the kids number one as ICS provided educational opportinitiees to the students
9) Motion by Bill and seconded by Dave to adjourn at 6:30 pm Vote: Unanimous
8/19/24 5:30 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 950 259 7489
Passcode: p3ksis
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Consent Agenda
Minutes from July 22, 2024 School Committee Meeting 07/22/24 minutes
Minutes from July 25, 2024 School Committee Meeting 07/25/24 minutes
Minutes from the July 29, 2024 School Committee Meeting
Adjustments to the agenda
Move to approve the Consent Agenda:
Moved:____________________ Seconded: ______________________
III. Public Comment
IV: Presentation: Preparation for Back to School
V: Reports
School Committee Chairperson
Committee Reports
Policy 08/12/22 minutes
VI. Unfinished Business None
VII: New Business
Move to have a First Reading of Policy Board Meetings BE School Board Meetings
Move to have a First Reading of Policy BEDBA School Board Agendas
Move to have a First Readings of Policy AC- Non Discrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action- AC- 2024
Move to have a First Reading of Harassment of Students ACAA-2024 harrassment of students
Move to have a First REading of Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAA-R1-2024 STUDENT DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURE
Move to have a First Reading of Student Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAA-R2-2024
Move to have a First Reading of Harassment of Employees ACAB-2024 Harrassment of Employees
Moved to have a First Reading of Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAB-R1-2024
Move to have a First Reading of Employee Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAB-R2-2024
Move to have a First Reading of Pregnant Students JIE-2024
VIII: Upcoming Meetings:
September 12: Finance Committee Meeting
September 16, 2024: Business Meeting of the Islesboro School Committee
October 7, 2024: Policy Committee Meeting
IX:. Adjournment
Moved to adjourn at _____________P.M.
Seconded _____________P.M.
Motion passed/defeated at _____________ P.M.
9/16/2024 5:30 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 950 259 7489
Passcode: p3ksis
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Consent Agenda
Minutes from August 19, 2024 School Committee Meeting
Adjustments to the agenda
Move to approve the Consent Agenda:
Moved:____________________ Seconded: ______________________
III. Public Comment
IV: Presentation: Boardsmanship Workshop and Setting Islesboro School Committee Goals for 2024-2025
V: Reports
School Committee Chairperson
School Committee Meeting Calendar for 2024-2025
Committee Reports
Finance Committee Minutes September 12, 2024 Finance Committee Agenda September 12, 2024
Magnet: First Meeting September 16, 2023
VI. Unfinished Business
Move to have a Second Reading and Adoption of Policy BE: School Board Meetings BE School Board Meetings
Move to have a Second Reading and Adoption of Policy BEDBA: School Board Agendas:BEDBA- CONSENT AGENDA
Move to have a Second Readings and Adoption of Policy AC: Non Discrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action- AC- 2024
Move to have a Second Reading and Adoption of Policy ACAA: Harassment of Students ACAA-2024 harrassment of students
Move to have a Second Reading and Adoption of Policy ACAA-R1: Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAA-R1-2024 STUDENT DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURE
Move to have a Second Reading and Adoption Policy ACAA-R2: Student Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAA-R2-2024- STUDENT SEX DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURE
Move to have a Second Reading and Adoption of Policy ACAB: Harassment of Employees ACAB-2024 Harrassment of Employees
Moved to have a Second Reading and Adoption of Policy ACAB-R1: Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAB-R1-2024 Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
Move to have a Second Reading and Adoption of Policy ACAB-R2: Employee Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAB-R2-2024 EMPLOYEE SEX DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURE
Move to have a Second Reading and Adoption of Pregnant Students JIE-2024 Pregnant Students
VII: New Business:
A: Move to Support the Resolutions as Passed at the July 22 MSBA Board of Directors Meeting: Resolutions approved at July 22 MSBA BoD meeting 7.22.2024
B: Move to Elect a Delegate from the Islesboro School Committee to attend the Maine School Boards Association (MSBA) Delegate Assembly on October 19, 2024:
C. Move to Select an Alternate Delegate from the Islesboro School Committee to attend the Maine School Boards Association (MSBA Delegate) Assembly on October 19, 2024.
VIII: Upcoming Meetings:
October 7, 2024: Policy Committee Meeting
October 21, 2024: Islesboro Monthly School Committee Meeting
IX:. Adjournment
Moved to adjourn at _____________P.M.
Seconded _____________P.M.
Motion passed/defeated at _____________ P.M.
10/5/23 4:30 PM Workshop On Superintendent Search in ICS library not on ZOOM
10/5/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5414 0702
Passcode: 8wQ4rs
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US (New York)
+16469313860,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US
III.. Approval of Minutes
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
ICS Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 9/27/23
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. November 2nd @ 5:30 pm
11/9/23 4:30 PM Workshop On Superintendent Search in ICS library not on ZOOM
11/9/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Adjustment to the Agenda.
III.. Approval of Minutes
IV. Correspondence
Letter from DOE
FY 2022 Annual Financial Report
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Second Reads
VII. New Business
Policy First Reads
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
Open Bids For Fuel Oil #2 with #1 Kerosene, Diesel and Propane.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Superintendent Report
Student Representative Report
Committee Reports
Region 8
Policy Meeting Minutes 10/18/2023
IX. Other Business
Update on Superintendent Search and Process
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. December 7 @ 5:30 pm
12/14/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Adjustment to the Agenda.
III.. Approval of Minutes
11-9-23 School Board Meeting Minutes.docx
IV. Correspondence
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
VII. New Business
Policy First Reads
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Superintendent Report
Student Representative Report
Committee Reports
Region 8
Copy of MidCoast.Superintendent.Association.Minutes.11.16.23
IX. Other Business
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. January 11 @ 5:30 pm
No Meeting Held.
2/8/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
III.. Approval of Minutes
Policy Second Reads
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. March 7th @ 5:30 pm
3/7/24 4:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
III.. Approval of Minutes
VII. New Business
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. April 4th @ 5:30 pm
4/6/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
III.. Approval of Minutes
VII. New Business
Annual Budget 2024-2025 March 21 2024 Final with Corrections for Salary Line Benefits.docx
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. May 2nd @ 5:30 pm
5/9/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS Library
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair Julie Reidy.
Members Present: Chair Julie Reidy, Sky Purdy, and Colleen Dove.
Members Present via Zoom: Vice Chair Zachariah Conover
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere, Town Manager Janet Anderson.
Others Present via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dominic DePatsy, Student Representative Eoin Kehoe, Vicki Conover, Dave Dyer, Gwen Tatreaux.
III. Approval of Minutes
4-11-24 School Board Meeting Minutes.docx
Motion to approve the minutes of 4/11/24, C. Dove, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion as below. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to approve the amended 2024-2025 Budget and Articles, from the April 11th meeting, J. Reidy, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion as below.
Motion to accept the 2024-2025 Budget that would have been presented for the May 2nd meeting, as amended, to accurately provide the numbers where needed, J. Reidy, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion as below. Roll Call. Motion passed, 3 yes, 1 no (J. Reidy).
Motion to approve the 2024-2025 Articles, from the May 2nd meeting, as presented, J. Reidy, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion as below. Roll Call. Motion passed, 3 yes, 1 no (J. Reidy).
VII. New Business
Nomination of German Language Teacher 2024-2025
Motion to accept the resignation of the German Language teacher, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to nominate Anne Matava as the German Language teacher for the 2024-2025 school year, C. Dove, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion as below. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no. Unanimous.
First Reads
AC-revised Nondiscriminative_equal opportunity
ACAA revised- Harassment and sexual harrasment of students
BEDH public participation revised
IJJ-E-revised challege of instruction form
JKAA- revised physical restraint and seclusion
Motion to accept the first reads of all policies, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VIII. Other Business
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:03 pm, S. Purdy, seconded by C. Dove. No Discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Upcoming meetings:
Regular School Board Meeting: June 6th @ 5:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
6/25/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
No Meeting in July
No Meeting in August
9/21/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5414 0702
Passcode: 8wQ4rs
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US (New York)
+16469313860,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US
III.. Approval of Minutes
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Budget Timeline 2023-2024 .docx
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings.
10/5/23 4:30 PM Workshop On Superintendent Search in ICS library not on ZOOM
10/5/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5414 0702
Passcode: 8wQ4rs
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US (New York)
+16469313860,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US
III.. Approval of Minutes
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
ICS Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 9/27/23
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. November 2nd @ 5:30 pm
11/9/23 4:30 PM Workshop On Superintendent Search in ICS library not on ZOOM
11/9/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Adjustment to the Agenda.
III.. Approval of Minutes
IV. Correspondence
Letter from DOE
FY 2022 Annual Financial Report
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Second Reads
VII. New Business
Policy First Reads
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
Open Bids For Fuel Oil #2 with #1 Kerosene, Diesel and Propane.
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Superintendent Report
Student Representative Report
Committee Reports
Region 8
Policy Meeting Minutes 10/18/2023
IX. Other Business
Update on Superintendent Search and Process
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. December 7 @ 5:30 pm
12/14/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Adjustment to the Agenda.
III.. Approval of Minutes
11-9-23 School Board Meeting Minutes.docx
IV. Correspondence
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
VII. New Business
Policy First Reads
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
Superintendent Report
Student Representative Report
Committee Reports
Region 8
Copy of MidCoast.Superintendent.Association.Minutes.11.16.23
IX. Other Business
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. January 11 @ 5:30 pm
No Meeting Held.
2/8/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
III.. Approval of Minutes
Policy Second Reads
BEA – School Board Use Of Electronic Mail
VII. New Business
VIII.. Committee/Administrative Reports
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. March 7th @ 5:30 pm
3/7/24 4:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
III.. Approval of Minutes
VII. New Business
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. April 4th @ 5:30 pm
4/6/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
III.. Approval of Minutes
VII. New Business
Annual Budget 2024-2025 March 21 2024 Final with Corrections for Salary Line Benefits.docx
X Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings. May 2nd @ 5:30 pm
5/9/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS Library
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair Julie Reidy.
Members Present: Chair Julie Reidy, Sky Purdy, and Colleen Dove.
Members Present via Zoom: Vice Chair Zachariah Conover
Absent: None
Others Present: Principal Kate Legere, Town Manager Janet Anderson.
Others Present via Zoom: Superintendent Dr. Dominic DePatsy, Student Representative Eoin Kehoe, Vicki Conover, Dave Dyer, Gwen Tatreaux.
III. Approval of Minutes
4-11-24 School Board Meeting Minutes.docx
Motion to approve the minutes of 4/11/24, C. Dove, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion as below. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to approve the amended 2024-2025 Budget and Articles, from the April 11th meeting, J. Reidy, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion as below.
Motion to accept the 2024-2025 Budget that would have been presented for the May 2nd meeting, as amended, to accurately provide the numbers where needed, J. Reidy, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion as below. Roll Call. Motion passed, 3 yes, 1 no (J. Reidy).
Motion to approve the 2024-2025 Articles, from the May 2nd meeting, as presented, J. Reidy, seconded by C. Dove. Discussion as below. Roll Call. Motion passed, 3 yes, 1 no (J. Reidy).
VII. New Business
Nomination of German Language Teacher 2024-2025
Motion to accept the resignation of the German Language teacher, Z. Conover, seconded by S. Purdy. No discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Motion to nominate Anne Matava as the German Language teacher for the 2024-2025 school year, C. Dove, seconded by S. Purdy. Discussion as below. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no. Unanimous.
First Reads
AC-revised Nondiscriminative_equal opportunity
ACAA revised- Harassment and sexual harrasment of students
BEDH public participation revised
IJJ-E-revised challege of instruction form
JKAA- revised physical restraint and seclusion
Motion to accept the first reads of all policies, Z. Conover, seconded by C. Dove. No discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
VIII. Other Business
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:03 pm, S. Purdy, seconded by C. Dove. No Discussion. Roll Call. Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, Unanimous.
Upcoming meetings:
Regular School Board Meeting: June 6th @ 5:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Carrie Reed
6/25/24 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 2830 1730
Passcode: sq7Y36
7/14/22 6:15 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II Adjustment to the Agenda
III. Approval of 6/23/22 Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes 6/2/22 Board Meeting meetings
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
1st read for:
2nd read for :
EEAEAA-R – Drug And Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers – Administrative Procedure
ECB – Pest Management in School Facilities And On School Grounds
VII. New Business
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Region 8
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
8/4/21 6:15 pm School Board Meeting and 5:15 pm Workshop
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person/Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 972 8716 3968
Passcode: kk5XqT
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II Adjustment to the Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes
6/23/22 Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes 6/2/22 Board Meeting meetings 7/14/22 School Board Meeting and Minutes
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Vote for Chair of the School Board
Vote for Vice Chair of the School Board
Committee Selection (2 Board Members Per Committee)
1st read for:
2nd read for :
VII. New Business
Electric School Busses
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Region 8
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
9/29/22 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Finance Committee 5:00 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person/Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
`Meeting ID: 954 0072 4035
Passcode: vY7PuZ
III. Approval of Minutes 9/1/22 School Board Meeting Agenda/Mintues
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
VII. Committee/Administrative Reports
VII. Other Business
9/1/22 6:15 pm School Board Meeting
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person/Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 972 8716 3968
Passcode: kk5XqT
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II Vote for Chair of the School Board & Vote for Vice Chair of the School Board & Committee
Selection (2 Board Members Per Committee)
III. Adjustment to the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes 8/4/22 School Board Meeting Agenda/Mintues
V. Correspondence
VI. Public Session
VII. Unfinished Business
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Region 8
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
11/3/22 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person/Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5414 0702
Passcode: 8wQ4rs
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US (New York)
+16469313860,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US
III. Approval of Minutes 9/29/22 School Board Minutes – Draft 9/1/22 School Board Meeting Agenda/Mintues 8/4/22 School Board Meeting Agenda/Mintues 10/14/22 School Board Minutes – Draft
Video Surveillance
VII, New Business
Open Bids for all Fuels
Budget Timeline 2023-204 .docx
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
IX.. Other Business
12/1/22 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person/Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5414 0702
Passcode: 8wQ4rs
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US (New York)
+16469313860,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US
III. Approval of Minutes
11/3/22 School Board Meeting Minutes
VII, New Business
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
IX.. Other Business
12/1/22 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person/Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5414 0702
Passcode: 8wQ4rs
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US (New York)
+16469313860,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US
III. Approval of Minutes
VII, New Business
CC Authority And Delegation Of Authority
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
IX.. Other Business
5/11/23 5:30 pm School Board Meeting in the ICS library
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person/Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5414 0702
Passcode: 8wQ4rs
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US (New York)
+16469313860,,89454140702#,,,,*174522# US
III. Approval of Minutes
VII. New Business.
Probationary Teachers Year I
Probationary Teachers Year II
Request for Proposal-
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2021 AT 6:15 PM
Meeting will be IN PERSON, in the Music Room.
Please wear a mask if you are not vaccinated.
1) Call meeting to order
2) Adjustments to the Agenda
3) Action: To accept the Board meeting agenda
4) Recognitions : Welcome Julie Reidy and Colleen Dove to the SchoolBoard
5) Consideration/Approval of the minutes:
6) Reports:
7) Open Session
8) Old Business : Class of 2020 cancelled senior class trip; trip vouchers and funds
9) New Business:
A.) Consideration of the approval of Cheryl Morin, 2-3 teacher
B.) Consideration of the approval of Sue Isteero, 7-12 Special Ed teacher
C.) Consideration of the approval of Haley Currie, Science teacher
D.) Update on the Superintendent Search
10) Adjournment
Workshop Agenda
A. Discuss reopening plans
9/9/21 6:15pm Kinnicut Center (Gym)
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
View with Google Meet
(US) +1 347-861-6971 PIN: 634 180 162#
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of 08-12-21 ICS Board Meeting Agenda
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
2nd read for :
BED – Virtual Meetings
First Read for:
BIA – New School Committee Member Orientation
CB – School Superintendent
CB-R Job Description – Superintendent of Schools
Student Dress Code Policy
VII. New Business
Covid vaccination requirements
Snow Days, School Closures
Approval of New Hires
Ann Frenning
Tracey Wuori (new position)
Coaches for sports
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Region 8
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
10/7/21 6:15pm Kinnicut Center (Gym)
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of 9/9/21 Board Meeting Agenda
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
1st read for:
2nd read for :
BIA – New School Committee Member Orientation
CB – School Superintendent
CB-R Job Description – Superintendent of Schools
VII. New Business
Election Chair
Discussion of appointment of New Board Member
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Facility – Facilities Meeting
Region 8 –
Finance–December 2nd 5:15 PM
Policy- Policy Meeting
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
11/4/21 5:30 pm Kinnicut Center (Gym)
Agenda for New Board Member Orientation (BIA) November 4, 2021@ 4:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
III. Correspondence-
Policy Review
1st read for:
Restorative Enforcement of Tobacco Policy Disciplinary Guidelines.docx
BIC-E BIC-E.docx
2nd read for :
BE- School Board Meetings BE.docx
CB-R Job Description – Superintendent of SchoolsCB-R.docx
VII. New Business
Open Bids for Fuel Oil (Heat with 30% Mix), Diesel Fuel (buses), Propane
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
12/2/21 5:30 pm
School Board Workshop on the Budget Process 12/2/21 @ 4:30 pmBudget Development Timeline 2021-22.xlsx
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of 11/4/21 Board Meeting Mintues
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
1st read for:
2nd read for :
VII. New Business
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Facility – Superintendent DePatsy and Ms. Reidy met but will follow up with Mr. Cilley
Region 8
Policy/Personnel Policy Meeting 11/2/21
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
1/6/22 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
III. Correspondence
Policy Review
Ist read for:
2nd read for:
VII. New Business
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
2/3/22 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Mr. Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy.
II. Approval of 1/6/22 Board Meeting Minutes
Ms. Dove made a motion to approve the December 2, 2021 School Board minutes and Ms. Reidy seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
Ist read for:
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the J’s listed in one blanket motion. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and there was a small discussion around cleaning up some of the MSMA info and red lined language.
2nd read for:
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve ACAA, ADC, ACAB, ACAB-R, ACAD, ADA,ADF, JLF, JLF-R, JLFA. In
addition Ms. Reidy asked to table AD and ADAA in order to fix wording in some of the policies. Discussion
ensued around the policy committee and how they are working through several policies and now will focus on
student policies. Motion passed 4-0 in favor.
VII. New Business
Superintendent DePatsy reviewed the budget timeline and also discussed how Chair Dyer and the
Superintendent met with the town councilors and reviewed the preliminary budget. They had some questions
but overall we are happy with the 2% increase as of now.
Superintendent DePatsy went over the budget process and then reviewed the entire budget with the School
Board. Superintendent DePatsy answered questions from the Board and then reviewed the RAD’s (Requests
Above Directive) which included the following:
The School Board will continue to review the proposed budget and RADS and will come back to finalize the
budget on March 3rd and will have public comment on the budget. March 10th will be the final vote prior to the
Town. Superintendent DePatsy also asked to add in a greater % for hourly employees and also to provide some
vacation days to help our employees during the lean months of winter and school breaks.
Graduation Date Change
Principal Legere asked the School Board to change Graduation from Sunday June 12 to Saturday June 11 due
to having families come out on Saturday and enjoy the celebrations vs. Sunday where families have to return to
work or travel home. The School Board approved the change and Principal Legere will notify families.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Enrollment is 84 total students, with 21 magnet students.Covid has taken up much of our time and energy.
We had an outbreak which totaled 19 positive cases between January 11 and the 28th. We had two days o remote
learning for all students in grades 8-12 and then had two weeks where remote was optional for students in
grades 6-12. Having remote learning offered as an option allowed parents to make the best decision for their
own households. While the 8-12 students were remote, the K-7 students celebrated Martin Luther King Jr Day by attending the 2-3 class’ march for civil rights through the halls. The elementary and middle school teachers have received training in a new math curriculum called Ready Math which they are piloting this spring. The walk-in broke down after the storm and has since been repaired, Pete Anderson handled this unexpected setback very well. The internet is also broken which serves as a blunt reminder of how dependent upon it we are at school for record keeping, communication, instruction, research, independent work, and printing. The problem lies with the routers and access points throughout the building. We have received new equipment and are awaiting a technician to install them. By now we have ethernet cables set up around the building for teachers and students to use which will get us through.
Superintendent DePatsy discussed the Special Education audit and how we have sent in some transition plans
for the DOE to review. On May 12th, the DOE will come and review documentation and work through the
process with us. Superintendent DePatsy reviewed the budget process and COVID information from the DOE.
There is a push around the State to take the masks off children, as the long term effects of wearing the mask are
impacting children learning to read, acquire speech and language skills, and above all social emotional skills.
Ms. Wuori was not present but Principal Legre discussed that there were some great basketball games with both
both the boys and the girls.
Committee Reports
There was no meeting as the recommendations for the facility are infused into the budget under RADS.
Region 8
There was no report but the calendar for Region 8 will be out soon which will impact our secondary
level classes.
The Magnet Committee will meet next month.
Finance Committee has not met but the School Board as a whole acts as the Finance
Committee for the budget.
Policy/Personnel- Policy worksession Jan 26 2022.docx
The Policy Committee has met and seen minutes for details. They are working hard to update all the
policies by the end of the year.
The curriculum committee will meet in the near future
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:25PM this was seconded by Mr. Purdy. No discussion 4-0 in favor.
3/3/22 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
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Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of 2/3/22 Board Meeting Minutes
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
Ist read for:
JFAB-R Admission of Non-Resident Students – Administrative Procedures
Policy JFCK – Student Use of Cellular Phones and Other Personal Devices at School
Policy JRA-E Annual Notice of Student Records and Information Rights
2nd read for:
VII. New Business
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Region 8
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
4/7/21 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
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Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board Meeting was called to order @ 5:30 PM by Chair Dyer. Present: Dave Dyer, Colleen Dove,
Dominic DePatsy (Superintendent), Julie Reidy, Sally Kate Legere, (Principal) and Skye Purdy.
II. Approval of Minutes 3/3/22 Board Meeting Agenda & 3/10/22 Board Meeting Agenda
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the March 3rd, 2022 School Board minutes and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
Ms. Reidy made a motion to approve the March 10th, 2022 School Board minutes and Ms. Dove seconded the
motion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved 4-0.
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
Policy Review
1st read for:
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the policies listed under first reads in one blanket motion. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and there was no discussion. 4-0 in favor.
2nd read for :
JFAB-R Admission of Non-Resident Students – Administrative Procedures
Policy JFCK – Student Use of Cellular Phones and Other Personal Devices at School
Policy JRA-E Annual Notice of Student Records and Information Rights
Ms. Ready made a motion to approve all the policies except policy JJI and JICF listed under second reads in one
blanket motion. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dove and discussion ensued around getting more input on these two policies. 4-0 in favor.
VII. New Business
The School Board reviewed the 2022-2023calendar and wanted to table the vote to give more time receive and
provide input on next year’s calendar.
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Since the last school committee meeting we were able to have the middle school vs.
girls varsity basketball game, junior class dinner on St. Patrick’s Day and the winter sports banquet. Masking has been optional for about a month, we are keeping our weekly sentinel testing for the time being. The Health Center will be holding a vaccine clinic at the Kinnicutt Center next Wednesday, April 14 from 2:30-4:30. High school students have visited Maine Maritime Academy and Midcoast School of Technology. The leadership team has started work on building the master schedule for next year-which is not a simple process for a K-12 school with shared space and staff. Tracey Wuori arranged for the 4th and 5th grade class to travel to the Camden Y for swim lessons once a week for six weeks, this started back on March 22 and the students have really enjoyed this opportunity. The K-3 students are also having swim lessons, at the Belfast Y, through the town rec department. These lessons are weekly for eight weeks, the first lesson was today. Renee Miller noticed there were some students in the 4th and 5th grade class with an affinity for pickleball and offered an after school pickleball session for a few weeks just for this group. The author Lauren Wolk is visiting on April 11, 2022 through the Island Readers and Writers organization. She will be doing a workshop with students in Betha Howell’s 4th and 5th grade and Peter DiLalla’s 6th and 7th grade ELA classes. Also next week students in 4th through 8th grade will be attending the Girls conference in Waterville. Spring sports, including middle school and varsity track, tennis and sailing have started and with a few days of nice weather the overall mood in the building has elevated. We are currently advertising for custodians and bus drivers
Superintendent DePatsy reviewed where the current budget is as of April. Ms. McDonough reported that things
look good budget wise and should end up well in June. There will be a Special Education Audit with the DOE
coming onsite on May 12th to review records and programming. To fix the roof we will not be able use the DOE
Revolving Fund due to fixing roofs is not allowable. The facilities committee will review options and bring back
to the School Board. The School Board recommended to have Mr. Ciley to get three quotes and contact certain
members of the Island Community.
Athletics was covered under the Principal’s report
Committee Reports
Facility Facilities 3/10/22
Facility will meet on May 5th at 12 noon to discuss the playground, roof, and other items
Region 8 Feb_16_2022.doc
Superintendent DePatsy reviewed the Region 8 update.
Principal Legere stated that there is a new student applying to the Magnet School and there are roughly 22 students enrolled as Magnet students next year.
Chair Dyer explained that the budget will be going to the town meeting in May.
Policy/Personnel Policy Work Session – March 24, 2022
Ms. Reidy reviewed the minutes from the policy work session and the ongoing work.
Mr. Purdy, Ms. Dove, Ms. Legere will be setting up a meeting to discuss the new curriculum
being proposed called responsive classroom for K-8. That will be the school’s main focus next
IX. Other Business
Ms. Reidy made a motion to accept articles 3-25 to go to the town for approval at the May/June town budget
meeting. Mr. Purdy seconded the motion. No discussion. 4-0 approved.
X. Adjournment
Chair Dyer adjourned the meeting at 6:28 PM this was seconded by Mr. Purdy. No discussion 4-0 in
5/5/21 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes 4/7/22 Board Meeting Agenda
III. Correspondence
IV. Presentations
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
1st read for:
2nd read for :
VII. New Business
VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Region 8
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
6/23/21 5:30 pm
Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6138 7580
Passcode: 2vcQmy
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II Adjustment to the Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes 6/2/22 Board Meeting meetings
IV. Correspondence
V. Public Session
VI. Unfinished Business
1st read for:
2nd read for :
EEAEAA-R – Drug And Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers – Administrative Procedure
ECB – Pest Management in School Facilities And On School Grounds
VII. New Business
New Hires
VIII Executive Session – Personnel Matter 1 MRSA Ṥ405 (6)(A)
VIII. Adjournment
Islesboro Central School Department
School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 2, 2021—6:15
Virtual Link
Public is asked to attend via internet link
Call to Order and Roll Call
Approval of Agenda / Adjustments to the Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Correspondence –
Presentations – Semester at Sea
Open Session –
Head of School
Committee Reports
Region 8
Leadership Team
Unfinished Business: CRF application for an additional van
Other Business: Budget
New Business: