School Board Meeting Agenda



Agenda for New Board Member Orientation (BIA) November 4, 2021@ 4:30 pm

11/4/21 5:30 pm Kinnicut Center (Gym)

Public Encouraged to Attend in Person / Public Link available for viewing only

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I. Call to Order and Roll Call-

II. Approval of 10/7/21 Board Meeting Agenda

III. Correspondence-

IV. Presentations 

V. Public Session

VI. Unfinished Business

Policy Review

1st read for:

Restorative Enforcement of Tobacco Policy Disciplinary Guidelines.docx

BIC-E BIC-E.docx

2nd read for : 

BE- School Board Meetings BE.docx

CB-R Job Description – Superintendent of SchoolsCB-R.docx

VII. New Business

Open Bids for Fuel Oil (Heat with 30% Mix), Diesel Fuel (buses), Propane 


VIII. Committee/Administrative Reports

  1. Chair- 
  2. Principal-
  3. Superintendent
  4. Athletics 
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Facility  
    2. Region 8   
    3. Magnet 
    4. Finance
    5. Policy/Personnel  
    6. Curriculum

IX. Other Business

X. Adjournment 

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