Public Announcement, Waldo County Yellow Status

Dear ICS Community, 10/24/2020 

The recent coronavirus outbreak in Brooks, Maine, has triggered the color-coded designation of Waldo County to go from GREEN to YELLOW. This designation does not alter our classes at ICS as we have already implemented a hybrid schedule a few weeks ago. The strategy is to minimize the spread of the 

virus through the use of cohorts and pods. We practice conservative measures that are intended to safeguard the fragile nature of our small island community. ICS School Nurse and Head of School are diligent in keeping us aligned with proper safety measures and protocols. We have no known cases of coronavirus amongst staff or students. We intend to resume school in person on Tuesday, the 27th. To contact Nurse Ellen, email 

We are proactive in our decision making and continually monitor the surrounding coastal area. Twice we have opted for remote learning in recent weeks. Given the nature and seriousness of this virus, we are trying to mitigate spread through remote learning, testing, and quarantining as threats make themselves known. Happily, all individuals involved recently have tested negative for the coronavirus. Had there been a positive case at school, we would have extended our remote learning period until CDC tracing had been accomplished and we were cleared to attend once again in person. 

All athletics and co-curricular activities will be suspended next week, 10/26-10/31. We will adjust weekly in accordance with MPA recommendations. Staff at ICS continue to adjust and refine the delivery of instruction in light of changes and uncertainties. We are planning to redefine Mondays to include more structure and support for students. Another round of COVID Relief Funds (CRF) support the purchase of iPads for elementary students and technology upgrades throughout the school. We are preparing ourselves in the event we are remote for longer stretches of time. Technology training and support for students and their families is being planned and will be available soon. 

As always, thank you for your continued support and patience. 

Be kind and remain Islesboro strong 

Chuck Hamm 

Head of School

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