Feb 12th, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians;                                                             February 12, 2021

Your children continue to exhibit remarkable resilience and continue to inspire us with their light hearted approach to all the changes and uncertainties. We thank them and we thank you for the continued guidance and support of our shared charges. 

Elementary students will be attending five days a week beginning February 22nd. The school board recently decided on this change with parental input and discussion. Mondays will be similar to other days of the week. Although, students may notice less in-class instruction time and more Specialists on Mondays. The early afternoon release will continue for the foreseeable future. 

We polled MS/HS parents and found we can offer family choice in regards to three different attendance options. We are planning to move ahead with the polling information and assign students accordingly. If for some reason you were unclear about the poll and would like to revisit the options, please reach out to us. If you chose four days in person as an option and have decided to enroll your children in a cohort, the change is easily taken care of. However, if students wish to change to four days a week from another option, we will have to consider whether or not the schedule will support the change while keeping proper safety protocols in place. This change begins March 1st. Mondays will remain remote for all MS/HS students. The late morning start will continue for the foreseeable future. 

Students have until Friday, March 5 to hand in assignments or take tests for classes that they have been assigned an “incomplete” grade in. An incomplete is noted on the report card as an “I”. If you have any questions about the specifics of these grades, please contact your child’s teacher directly. 

On behalf of the entire ICS family, we wish you and yours, a restful and rejuvenating February break.

Be thoughtful, be kind, be caring

Chuck Hamm

Head of School

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